Bharat Vidya Prayojana

Seal No C-23
No as per ASI C23
Uid SSC0330_C-23
Type Seal
ImageDate 2500 BC-1900 BC
Artefact Reference N/A
Keywords Goat
Reference link N/A
Reading order K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + K5 + K6 + K7 + K8 + K9 + K10 + K11 + K12
Rebus decoding Slanted stroke + An ornamental appendage to the border of a cloth + Three column + Lozenge shape + Warrior with archor bow + Black ant + Splinter + Double axe + ????? + Warrior with two archer bow + Corner + Goat-antelope with a short tail
Meaning conveyed A seal with a goat and an inscription on it, 'quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace, ' smithy, or forge'. Thus, ingot forge bell-metal in the bronze/bell-metal workshop.
Country India
Place of Reference
Present Location N/A
Remarks N/A
Misc N/A

Image basic Comp ID Basic Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference
K1 Slanted stroke
K10 Warrior with two archer bow
K11 Corner
K12 Goat-antelope with a short tail
K2 An ornamental appendage to the border of a cloth
K3 Three column
K4 Lozenge shape
K5 Warrior with archor bow
K6 Black ant
K7 Splinter
K8 Double axe
K9 ?????
Image Composite Comp ID Composite Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference

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