Bharat Vidya Prayojana

Seal No H-236A
No as per ASI H-236A
Uid SSC0358_H-236A
Type Tablet
ImageDate 2500BCE-1900BCE
Artefact Reference EpigraEpigraphia Indus Script – Hypertexts Meanings (Vol. 1)
Keywords Tablet shaped like a curved knife/fish=fin)
Reference link
Reading order K1+K2+K3+K4+K5+K6+K7+K8+KK1
Rebus decoding corner+The grand flag of an army+cross+cross+duplicated+wristlets, bangles+two+rim of jar+arbour, canopy
Meaning conveyed Trade (and metalwork wealth production).. PLUS (wealth/business categories cited above)
Description A Tablet shaped like a curved knife/fish=fin) with epigraphy on it
Country India
Place of Reference Harappa
Present Location N?A
Remarks N/A
Misc N/A

Image basic Comp ID Basic Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference
K1 'corner' kanac 'corner' rebus: kancu 'bell-metal'
K2 The grand flag of an army ḍhāla f (S through H) The grand flag of an army directing its march and encampments: also the standard or banner of a chieftain rebus: ḍhālako 'ingot'
K3 cross dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771)
K4 cross dāṭu 'cross' rebus: dhatu = mineral (Santali) Hindi. dhāṭnā 'to send out, pour out, cast (metal)' (CDIAL 6771)
K5 duplicated dula 'duplicated' rebus: dul 'metal casting'
K6 wristlets, bangles karã̄ n. pl. wristlets, bangles Rebus: khār खार् 'blacksmith'
K7 two dula 'two' rebus; dul 'metal casting
K8 rim of jar kanka, karṇika 'rim of jar'rebus: karṇī 'supercargo, scribe'
Image Composite Comp ID Composite Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference
KK1 arbour, canopy manḍa 'arbour, canopy' mã̄ḍ ʻarray of instruments'. Thus, instruments and metal castings

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