Bharat Vidya Prayojana

Seal No M-304A
No as per ASI M-304
Uid SSC0039_M-304A
Type Seal
ImageDate 2500 BC-1900 BC
Artefact Reference Epigraphia Indus Script Vol_3_P110
Keywords Pashupatinath seal
Reference link N/A
Reading order K1 + K2 + K3 + K4 + K5 + K6 + K7 + K8 + K9 + K10 + K11 + KK1 + KK2 + KK3 + KK4
Rebus decoding Body with spread leg + Claws of crab + Tongs + Splinter with rim of jar + Fish + Rim of jar + Rhinoceros + Elephant + Wild buffalo + Leaping tiger + Body + Crooked buffalo horn + Three face hieroglyph + Arm with wrist bangle + Heap of crushed sugarcane stalk with platform and sheep
Meaning conveyed Each pictograph is a hieroglyph signifying the Meluhha rebus metal work repertoire and wealth of the artisan guild; the person is seated in penance coinage; thus, the overarching message of the inscription is composed of many hieroglyphs (glyphic elements) and is a description of the offerings of a 'mint or coiner (workshop with a golf furnace) iron-smith or blacksmith cargo handed or accounted for from workshop account to supercargo.
Description Seal engraved with a person (with three visible faces) wearing bangles and armlets seated on a platform (with an antelope looking backwards) and surrounded by five animals: rhinoceros, buffalo, antelope, tiger, and elephant.
Country India
Place of Reference Mohenjo-daro
Present Location N/A
Remarks N/A
Misc N/A

Image basic Comp ID Basic Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference
K1 Body with spread leg
K10 Leaping tiger
K11 Body
K2 Claws of crab
K3 Tongs
K4 Splinter with rim of jar
K5 Fish
K6 Rim of jar
K7 Rhinoceros
K8 Elephant
K9 Wild buffalo
Image Composite Comp ID Composite Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference
KK1 Crooked buffalo horn
KK2 Three face hieroglyph
KK3 Arm with wrist bangle
KK4 Heap of crushed sugarcane stalk with platform and sheep

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