Bharat Vidya Prayojana

Seal No K-40A
No as per ASI K-40A
Uid SSC0966_K-40A
Type Seal
ImageDate 2500BCE-1900BCE
Artefact Reference Epigraphia Indus Script – Hypertexts Meanings (Vol. 2) P- 270
Keywords elephant
Reference link N/A
Reading order K1+K2+K3+K4+K5+K6+K7+K8+K9+K10+K11
Rebus decoding elephant+tooth, tusk+hoof+A crook or curved end (of a stick) +ingot+doubled+corner+slanted stroke+'two+rice plant+duplicated
Meaning conveyed Trade (and metalwork wealth production) of kōnda sangara 'metalwork engraver'.. (wealth categories cited.)
Description A elephant seal with epigraphy on it
Country India
Place of Reference Kalibangan
Present Location N/A
Remarks N/A
Misc N/A

Image basic Comp ID Basic Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference
K1 elephant karibha, ibha N/A karba, ib iron' ibbo 'merchant'; N/A
K10 rice plant kolmo N/A kolimi smithy, forge N/A
K11 duplicated dula N/A dul metalcasting N/A
K2 tooth, tusk dāntā N/A dhāˊtu ore of red colour' (ferrite ores, copper ores)
K3 hoof khura ċhúrɔ dagger
K4 A crook or curved end (of a stick) [ mēṇḍhā ] मेंढा meḍ 'iron (WPah.)
K5 ingot mũh, muhã N/A 'ingot' quantity of metal produced at one time in a native smelting furnace. N/A
K6 doubled dula N/A dul metalcasting N/A
K7 corner kanac N/A kancu bell-metal N/A
K8 slanted stroke dhāḷ N/A dhāḷako ingot N/A
K9 two dula N/A dul metalcasting N/A
Image Composite Comp ID Composite Meaning Word Deduced based on Indian Lexicon Language Reference for the Word Rebus Word Mapped Rebus Word Meaning Additional Reference

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