Illustrated Jataka : Other Stories of the Buddha by C.B. Varma
078 - The Personality of the Buddha / बुद्ध का व्यक्तित्व |
बुद्ध के व्यक्तित्व के
संदर्भ में कम ही जानकारियाँ प्राप्त हैं।
उनके विरोधी और आलोचकों को भी यह
स्वीकार्य है कि वे "सुन्दर" और "आकर्षक"
व्यक्तित्व के स्वामी थे। रुप-लावण्य, कद-काठी और तेजस्विता
से वे सभी का मन मोह लेते थे। दीर्घनिकाय के 'लक्खण-सुत' के
अनुसार अन्य बुद्धों की तरह वे भी बत्तीस गुणों
से सम्पन्न थे, जो एक चक्रवर्ती सम्राट या एक
बुद्ध ही पा सकते हैं। काली आँखें,
लम्बी जिह्मवा, हथेली का घुटनों से नीचे तक पहुँचना आदि गुण उपर्युक्त
लक्षणों के कुछ उदाहरण हैं। |
उनकी चर्चा इस प्रकार थी कि
वे प्रत्यूष काल में उठ कर नित्य-कर्मों
से निवृत हो एकांतवास करते थे। फिर
बाह्य चीवर धारण कर कभी बड़े भिक्षु
समुदाय के साथ या फिर अकेले भिक्षाटन को निकलते थे।
T he
tradition furnishes very little information on the personality of the
Buddha. The colour of his skin was golden. He had a fascinating personality
and his critics also considered him charming. He was handsome; and
perfect in complexion, stature and gracefulness. He was endowed with
the thirty-two marks, the presence of which signifies that one is either
destined to be an emperor of the world; or a Buddha. These marks include
black eyes; long tongue, which could touch the forehead; palms reaching
beyond the knees when stretched and so on. (See Lakkhana Sutta, Digha Nikaya iii.142-49). His voice had eight
characteristics, viz., fluency; intelligibility; sweetness; audibility;
continuity; distinctness; depth; and resonance, which was not to travel
beyond his audience. (See Sumangala
Vilasini ii. 452 f.; Papancha
Sudani , ii.771). He preached only in eight assemblies, namely, of the
nobles, scholars, house-holders, recluses, the four regent devas,
the devas of Tavatimsa Loka, and
Mara. (See Anguttara Nikaya
iv.308). His daily routine was
to rise early and finish his bodily functions. Then he would sit in
solitude. Then after putting on his outer robe he would go out for alms;
sometimes with a large number of monks and sometimes all alone. If he had
to go out all alone he would then keep his cell-door closed. It is often
believed that sometimes he used to fly with some advanced monks, who were
purified of the defilements ( khinasavas ). Upon his return from
the alms round he would wash his feet and talk to the monks; and discuss
the subject matter on meditation; or instruct them. He would then rest or
sleep for a while depending upon the availability of time. Then he had the
time to look around with his divine eye to identify a deserving person,
who could be benefited by his teaching. In the evening, he would take bath and again attend to the monks and exhort them of the right pursuits till the first watch of night. He would allocate the second watch of night to instruct the devas . In the last watch of night, he would first keep walking and meditating. He would then sleep for a while. Again he would wake up to contemplate on the possible benefit of his teachings to be imparted to a deserving person (Veneyya) owing to his acquired capability by way of righteous karma of the previous births.
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