Illustrated Jataka : Other Stories of the Buddha by C.B. Varma
096 - Phussa Buddha / फुस्स बुद्ध |
बुद्धों की परिगणना में फुस्स बुद्ध का स्थान अट्ठारहवाँ हैं। इनका जन्म काशी के सिरिमा
उद्यान में हुआ था। इनके पिता का नाम जयसेन था जो एक कुलीन क्षत्रिय थे।
मनोरत्थपूरणी के अनुसार उनके पिता का नाम महिन्द्र था।
उनकी एक बहन थी और तीन सौतेले भाई। इनकी पत्नी का नाम किसागोतमा था, जिससे उन्हें आनन्द नाम के पुत्र-रत्न की प्राप्ति हुई थी। Phussa Buddha on the panel Cave 17, Ajanta P hussa,
the eighteenth of the twenty-four Buddhas, was born in Sirima-uyyana in
Kashi. The name of his father was Jayasena, who was a Khattiya noble.
(According to Manorathapurani , a
commentary on the Anguttara Nikaya
the name of his father was Mahinda). His mother was Sirima. He had a
sister named Ambapali; and three step-brothers: one was Uruvela Kassapa.
He was married to Kisagotami who bore him a son named Ananda (also called
Anupama). His body was
fifty-eight cubit high. He lived in three palaces, namely, Garuda, Hamsa
and Suvannabhara for six thousand years. He then renounced the world
riding on an elephant. He practised austerities for six years until he
attained Enlightenment. A
merchants daughter, Sirivaddhaa, offered him milk-rice before his
enlightenment under the amalaka (or amanda ) tree;
and an ascetic Sirivaddha presented him grass for his seat to be laid down
under the tree. His
chief disciples were Sukhita and Dhammasena among the men; and Sala and
Upasala among the women. His personal attendants were Sambhiya, Dhananjaya
and Vishakha among men; and Paduma and Naga among the women. The two women were also his
chief patrons. Those
days, the Bodhisatta was born in a Khattiya family in Arimanda. His name
was then Vijjitavi. Phussa
Buddha lived for ninety thousand years and died at Setarama (Sonarama) in
Kusinara (modern Kushinagar). His relics were scattered. See Buddhavamsa 19; Buddhavamsa Atthakatha 192 f; Manorathapurani 1.144; 165.
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