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  IFLA International Newspaper Conference 2010 - 25th - 28th February 2010




Call for Papers

Abstract Submission  |  Full Paper Submission  |  Important Dates  |  Submission Guidelines

We inivite you to submit a proposal for a presentation on the following conference Theme and Sub-Themes.

Main Theme

Digital Preservation and Access to News and Views

Sub Themes

  • History, Heritage and Tradition Newspaper Libraries in South and South East Asia.

  • Physical Preservation of Newspaper Resources (hardcopies archives, Microfilm Archives etc.)

  • Digital Preservation of Newspaper Resources (digital text archives, e-paper archives, online web archives).

  • Digital Preservation of News Resources: Clippings, Photographs, Cartoons and Infographics etc.

  • Metadata Standards, Consistency and Harmonization for both digitized newspapers and born digital newspapers

  • Newspaper Library Users and Their Information Needs

  • Newspaper Digital Library Services and Access Methods

  • Marketing and Promotion of Newspaper Library Services

  • Library Staff Training and User Education in Newspaper Libraries

  • Resource Sharing Among Newspaper Libraries

  • IPR and Copyrights Issues in Newspaper Libraries

  • Issues in Digital Preservation, Access and Management (ICT, Manpower, Budget Constraints etc.)

  • Technical issues of preservation

  • The publisher perspective and needs

  • The software suppliers perspectives and needs from libraries

  • Selection of newspapers for digitization and preservation: a user perspective case study

  • Significances of historical newspaper indexing in a digital age

  • Online Newspapers 

Abstract Submission 

The proposal should include the following details: 

  • Relevant biographical information of author(s) / presenter(s) 

  • Institution (with address, telephone, facsimile and e-mail) 

  • Title of paper 

  • Abstract (between 200 - 500 words) in English only 

    Please e-mail all proposals to  and indicate the following in the subject field: "Proposal for Newspaper Conf 2010-<title of paper>

Full Paper Submission (7th February 2010)

If an abstract is accepted, the author will be expected to write the full conference paper by 31st Jan 2010.

  • All accepted papers must be written in English only.

  • All accepted papers must be presented at the Conference in English by at least one of the authors or by a nominated presenter. 

  • All papers must be original contributions, i.e. not have been previously published or currently under review for publication elsewhere. 

  • All accepted papers will be peer-reviewed by the International Programme Committee and IFLA Newspapers Section Standing Committee and published both in print and electronically in the conference proceedings. 

  • The paper must be between 5 to 20 pages length. 

  • Papers must be sent full-text in PDF and DOC format. 

  • Technical support required (e.g. computer projection, overhead project, slide projection) for the presentation must be stated. 

  • Please e-mail all full paper submissions to 

  • Please indicate the following in the Subject field: "Full Paper for Newspaper Conference 2010 <title of paper> 

Please note that the expenses of attending the conference (including travel, hotel, daily expenses and conference fee) will be the responsibility of the Author(s) presenter(s) of the accepted paper and at least one of the authors/presenters must attend the Conference to present the paper. 

 Important dates to Note
Abstract submission  14th December 2009
Notification of acceptance of your paper  21st December 2009
Submission of full paper and slides by approved speakers  7th February 2010


Paper Submission Guidelines

  • The author/authors should mention clearly their names, address of the institutions they work for, and author for correspondence (along with tel no., fax no., and e-mail id), if any.

  • Submit your paper online or electronically at the following e-mail address  with copy to  positively by 31st Jan.2010

  • All invited papers will be published in the pre-conference proceedings. Contributed papers will be published in the pre-conference proceedings only if the paper is accepted for presentation and the contributors register for the conference.

  • Paper should be submitted in MS Word (2001) format and limited to 5000 words.

  • Each paper should contain a list of about five keywords. The paper should also mention the topic under which it falls from the list of topics given under ‘Call for papers’

  • Use A4 size paper (210 mm by 297 mm). Please select A4 size for the PDF also.

  • Provide title in Times New Roman font, bold, 14 point, along with author/s name/s and affiliations.

  • Use Times New Roman font, 10 point for the main text, in single column. Paragraph heading and subheadings have to be displayed properly (in bold).

  • Please set the margins as follows:-
    Top: 3 cm
    Bottom: 3.8 cm
    Left: 3.8 cm
    Right: 2.5 cm

  • Place page numbers at the bottom of each page, centered on the width.

  • Set everything left-justified.

  • Please use British spellings throughout the text.

  • Headings and subheadings can be numbered 1,1.1,1.1.1, etc. These numbers will not appear in final manuscript but it will help in assigning proper levels to these headings and styling them.

  • Please use single quote marks throughout. In case of a quote with in a quote, keep the former in double quote marks, and the main quote within single quote marks. Please leave a line space below and above for quotations longer than 45 words.

  • Underline words that are to be set in italics.

  • Please pay attention to consistency in hyphenation. It should either be ‘macro-economic’ or ‘macroeconomic’.

  • No end dots are required in acronyms such as SAARC. All abbreviation and acronyms must be explained the first time they appear in the text in the format IGNCA (Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts), that is, abbreviation followed by expansion in brackets.

  • Please avoid non-specific time frames such as ‘last year’.

  • Use figures for exact measurements (10 km; 10%) but words for more general description.

  • Dates should be cited as ‘20 November 1980’ and decades either as ‘the eighties’ or ‘1980s’. Follow the international system of numbering, for example, thousands and millions, rather than lakhs and crores.

  • References should not be given as footnotes. Footnotes should be the explanation of a term or some extra information, indicated in the text with superscripted Arabic number, appearing at the bottom of the page.

  • Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals and cited properly in the text. These should appear in sequential order in the text. The corresponding tables or figures should appear next to where they are cited or should be placed at the end of the article.

  • Maps and figures have to be given as reproducible artworks ready for press. 

  • Table and figures should have proper sources, if sourced from outside.

  • References shouldn’t be incomplete in any respect. The references cited in the text should have details in the Reference list and the ones mentioned in the list should be cited in the text.

  • Please follow the anthropological style of citing text references, for example, (Singh 1990) or (Singh 1990: 160) where a specific quote is cited. The complete bibliographical details should appear alphabetically at the end of the article as 

    Authors/s (surname, initials). Year
    Title of the book in bold italics
    Place of publication: Name of the publisher.*pp(total no. of pages) 

    Paper/chapter from a book (multi-authored)
    Author A, Author B, Author C. 1999
    Title of the paper/chapter in bold
    In Title of the book in italics, pp. 45-50, edited by X and Y
    Place: Publisher.*pp

    Author(s). Year
    Title of the paper in bold
    Title of the journal/magazine/newsletter in italics Volume no (issue no.):45-55

    Title of the report in bold (only the first letter in caps)
    Submitted to...
    Place: Name of the organization/publisher.*pp.[serial number or any other identifier]

    Author/organization. Year
    Name of the article in bold (version if available)
    Website URL (accessed on date, month, and year)

    Paper in published proceedings
    Title of the paper in bold, pp 45-50(
    In Title of the published proceedings in italics, edited by X, Y, and Z
    Place: Publisher.*pp.
    [Proceedings of the Title of the conference/workshop, city, country, date, organized by name(s) of organizers]



Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, 11, Man Singh Road, Opp. Raksha Bhawan, New Delhi - 110 001