The Major Objectives of Visit

  1. Meetings of Museums of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh in the Governments as well as in the private sector with the aim of initiating programmes of documentation and conservation with them.

  2. Meetings with interested sattradhikaris in Guwahati and Tejpur to discuss an exhibition on the history, heritage, culture, arts, including music and architecture, and oral history of sattras, including kalasattras, sattras managed by women, the namghar tradition.

  3. Meetings and interaction with the craftsmen and artists from tribal and folk communities with display of their textiles, artefacts and ethnographic objects representing family and community traditions, with historical accounts, provided by elders, which can be acquired. 
    Series of discussions with representatives of various local self governance institutions concerning customary laws, dispute resolution and reconciliation, human and natural resource management strategies, pursued by these institutions. 

  4. Meetings with the scholars of social Science departments of Rajiv Gandhi Central University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh; Tejpur Central University, Tejpur and Gauhati University, Gauhati, Assam including the experts, knowledgeable people, performers of the respective regions. 

  5. Meetings with the representatives of women in all possible dimension of their contribution and specialty so that history, and contribution of the women can be created from their perspective. 

  6. To understand the bio-cultural diversity and the role of cultural practices in maintaining the bio-cultural harmony. 

  7. Meetings with the Lamas and nuns of various monasteries in Arunachal Pradesh to know their point of view and priority areas. Also to evaluate the status of monasteries, their museums, libraries, objects, architecture, art, artistic skills etc. with the aim of initiating programmes of training, documentation and conservation with them.

  8. To know the people’s perception of culture and their intervention for preservation, promotion and documentation of cultural heritage.
    To initiate dialogue with the institutions and individuals who have already done extensive audiovisual documentation so that IGNCA can digitize such institutional (and individual) holdings and share products with them. 

  9. Explore further collaborative activities with the Government of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh to appreciate and develop culture as a constitutive element in development in consultation with officials and individuals.

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