Music / Performance

Vedic Chanting Indian Classical Music Series Vocal Instrumental Performance Ritual Folk Tradition


Vedic Chanting: A Project on Safeguard and Support of The Masterpieces of Intangible Heritage of Humanity i.e. Our Oral Tradition and Ritualistic


music_icmsIndian Classical Music Series
Indian Classical Music Series – Masters of Hindustan Classical Music (Video Clips)


Kalamukha (Audio)
The temples of Kittagavi lineage in Karnataka
The temple of Somesvara at Haralahalli
The temple of Kadambesvara at Rattihalli
Muktesvara Temple CD-Rom : Devotional Music – Caudadanapura is a tiny village of Karnataka in south India, where all facets of Indian civilisation, encompassing religion, art and poetry are exemplified in an exquisite temple with the highest degree of refinement. This temple is a jewel of architecture of 11th-12th century, in the style now commonly called after the name of the legendary sculptor, Jakkanacarya. It was built during the heyday of the kingdom ruled by the Calukyas of Kalyana and the Sevunas of Devagiri. It is dedicated to an Udbhava-Linga “spontaneously born” Linga named Muktesvara. A user-friendly interactive system will allow the user to browse the multi-dimensional architectural, sculptural and inscriptional programme of the temple.


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Indian Classical Music (Hindustani)

Raag Bhimpalasi” Lecture on Music in Indian Arts by Pt. Vidyadhar Vyas Former Vice Chancellor, Bharatkhande Music Institute, Lucknow held on 27th April 2012

01:03:21 Watch @ YouTube


music_veena Instrumental
Veena Festival – Veena Navrathri in Chennai, Tamilnadu (video clips of 2008 & 2009)
Muktesvara Temple
CD-Rom : Devotional Music


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Gita Govinda12th Century Sanskrit Poem on Radha and Krishna: Adopted in Painting, Music and Dance. (Video Clips) A multimedia experience on Gita Govinda, a 12th Century epic by Jayadeva was developed with the objective to familiarise audiences on the fundamental concepts of Indian music, dance, art and their inter-relationships and interpretation. The content was conceived by Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan, a scholar of Gita Govinda for over thirty years and an internationally acknowledged authority and pioneer of inter-and multi-disciplinary studies in the humanities, and the arts. She is the author of many definitive monographs on the Gita Govinda including those on the diverse painting schools, specially Mewar, Jaipur, Bundi and Assam. Kutiyattam
– Sanskrit Theatre from Kerala: Declared as among the Masterpieces of the oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO (Video Clip). (Courtsey MARGI) [text About Kutiyattam]



Brhadisvara Temple 11th Century Shiva Temple at Tanjore.
(Video Clips) – In the course of history, certain regions have developed into cultural centres attracting people from all over the world. The Brhadisvara temple is acclaimed as the finest achievement of Chola art, built by Raja Raja I in 1010 A.D. Its artistic excellence lies in the perfect balance of the parts and the whole, its architecture, sculptures, paintings, bronze images, the idols and reliefs. It is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site ‘Great Living Chola Temples’. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the temple stands in the middle of a spacious rectangular court and can be entered from the east side of the temple through two gopurams widely separated from each other.

music_devnFolk Tradition
Devnarayan Devnarayana is the name of a folk deity worshipped by the pastoral communities of
Gujjars in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The main feature of the cult is the performance of individual episodes from a two-part, 45 to 50 hour long oral narrative which contains both sung and spoken section (gav and arthav). Devnarayan’s epic is performed during all night vigils (Jagran), by pairs of male singers called Bhopas. The CD-ROM will focus on this oral narrative which is painted on large scrolls. The professional unfolds the story through singing and performance. The relationship between
the pictorial image, the sung narrative performances and audience responses will be recreated.


tribal01Tribal Art & Culture
The history of India’s Adivasis dates back to the pre-Aryan era. For ages they reigned over the Subcontinent’s hilly terrains. But over the centuries those with access to the written word (apart from other things) gained prominence over those whose traditions were rooted in the oral culture. During the colonial period, Adivasis were given the new designation of tribal, and in post independent India, they are known as the scheduled tribes. The essence of the tribe was interpreted as “a stage of evolution”, as opposed to a type of society. When education centres were opened, the syllabi focused on the socio-cultural roots of select communities, which deprived non-Adivasi children of knowledge of Adivasi culture and denied Adivasi children the pride of their heritage…

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