Great Master Series – Dr. K . S. Karanth

Director: Bani Ghosh
Duration: 31 min,11 sec

The life and works of the multi-faceted personality of Dr. KS. Karanth -writer, musician, yakṣagāna expert, social activist and children’s playwright is explored in his interaction with Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan. He was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi, worked on carkhā, the spinning wheel and tried to popularize khādī. Yakṣagāna impressed him and he tried to understand its drama and music. Discovering new elements in Yakṣagāna he made efforts to improve upon it. He laments by saying that we have learnt the value of gold, but we must learn the value of tradition.

Copyright IGNCA

The cost of the DVD in India: Rs. 150/- + (actual Forwarding Charges)

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