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Ongoing Projects

  • Decipherment of Sarasvati-Sindhu-Seals
  • Decipherment of Indus Script: A New Approach
  • Dating of Mahabharata in collaboration with Bhanadarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune
  • History of Ghats of Varanasi
  • Vamshavali
  • Dating of Bhartrihari
  • Dating of Kalidasa
  • Finding out actual history of the selected centrally protected Monuments
  • Comparative study of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism
  • Literary reference work for the ongoing parliament vista projects Constitution Gallery
  • Conducting Post Graduate Diploma in Hindu Studies (PGDHS) and Bharatiya Jnana Parampara (PGDBJP)

Decipherment of Sarasvati-Sindhu-Seals

॥अम्बि॑तमे॒ नदी॑तमे॒ देवी॑तमे॒ सरस्वती। अ॒प्र॒श॒स्ता इ॑व स्मसि॒ प्रश॑स्तिमम्ब नस्कृधि॥
(ऋग्वेद 2.41.16)

The “Documenting Research Work on Sarasvati-Sindhu-Seals done by Dr. S. Kalyanaraman” is a pioneering and comprehensive initiative undertaken by the Bharat Vidya Prayojna (BVP) division of IGNCA (Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts). This project is dedicated to unravelling the mysteries surrounding the ancient Sarasvati-Sindhu (Indus Valley) civilization, one of the world’s oldest and most enigmatic civilizations. Led by the esteemed Prof. A.B. Shukla (HoD) BVP and executed by a dedicated team, it represents a significant exploration into this ancient world.

The primary focus of the project centres on extensive research related to the Indus seal script and its epigraphy, a field in which Dr. Srinivasan Kalyanaraman is a leading authority. The project’s objective is to systematically gather and digitally document all of Dr. Kalyanaraman’s work. This includes a meticulous examination and compilation of his script decipherments and valuable insights.

The Indus script has long confounded scholars worldwide, remaining a challenging enigma to fully decode. In response, this project serves as a vital initiative by the BVP division of IGNCA to bring together and curate the research efforts of dedicated scholars working towards deciphering this ancient script.

By collecting, documenting, and enhancing this valuable body of research, the project aims to make a substantial contribution to future studies of the Indus script. It represents a collaborative endeavour to advance our understanding of this ancient civilization and its script. In doing so, the project bridges the gap between past and present knowledge, shedding new light on the profound and enigmatic world of the Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization.