Janapada Sampada
बृहदेश्वर मंदिर, तंजावुर
तंजावुर का बृहदेश्वर मंदिर चोल कला की बेहतरीन उपलब्धि के रूप में प्रशंसित है। इस मंदिर की कलात्मक डिजाइन की तुलना एक जैव-जीव से की गई है जहाँ प्रत्येक भाग पूरे भाग से संबंधित है। यह केवल एक स्थापत्य स्मारक नहीं है, बल्कि एक जीवित जीव है जो राजा राजा I (1010 ईस्वी) के समय से कई उत्तरवर्ती शताब्दियों में सामाजिक, आर्थिक और राजनीतिक जीवन के केंद्र के रूप में कार्य कर चुका है। इसकी कलात्मक उत्कृष्टता वास्तुकला और मूर्तिकला, चित्रकला, कांस्य छवियों, मूर्तियों और नक्काशियों के क्षेत्र में, इसके खण्डों और समग्र भाग के सही संतुलन में निहित है। मंदिर की दीवारों के शिलालेख कई शताब्दियों की जानकारी प्रदान करते हैं। केंद्र ने क्षेत्रम और कोविल के बहुस्तरीय और बहुआयामी व्यक्तिगत और मंदिर की भौतिक और संकल्पनात्मक अस्तित्व के रूप में जांच करने के लिए अनेक चरणों पर इस मंदिर का बहु-स्तरीय अध्ययन पूरा किया है।
अध्ययन के परिणामस्वरूप तीन अनुसंधान मोनोग्राफ का प्रकाशन किया गया है:
- तंजावुर बृहदेश्वर: एक वास्तुकला अध्ययन
- बृहदेश्वर मंदिर: रूप और अर्थ
- बृहदेश्वर मंदिर की आइकनोग्राफी
- इकोले फ्रेंकोइस डी’एक्सट्रीम ओरिएंट, पांडिचेरी के सहयोग से पियरे पिकार्ड, यूनेस्को विशेषज्ञ, दक्षिण पूर्व एशियाई वास्तुकला द्वारा वास्तुकला आर्किटेक्चरल सर्वेक्षण और मापे गए चित्र।
- इकोले फ्रेंकोइस डी’एक्स्ट्रीम ओरिएंट, पांडिचेरी के फ्रेंकोइस ल’हर्नाल्ट द्वारा फोटोग्राफिक प्रलेखन।
- भारतीय पुरातत्व सर्वेक्षण विभाग के निदेशक के. वी. रमेश द्वारा तंजावुर मंदिर (जो पहले कभी नहीं देखा गया है) में शिलालेखों के स्टैम्पेज।
- वी. के. राजमणि द्वारा सरस्वती महल लाइब्रेरी, तंजावुर का रंगीन फोटोग्राफिक प्रलेखन।
- बेनॉय के बहल द्वारा तंजावुर चित्रों का रंगीन फोटोग्राफिक प्रलेखन।
- संपूर्ण ऑडियो-विजुअल का सबसे कठिन काम कुंभाभिषेकम का प्रलेखन था, जो 12 वर्षों में एक बार होता है। यह स्वर्गीय मन्ना श्रीनिवासन की देख रेख में किया गया था।
The Project also includes the study and coordination by Dr. R. Nagaswamy, Advisor, UNDP documentation project for Tanjavur Brhadisvara temple, for the following interrelated modules:
- Inscriptional and epigraphic records
- Architectural and photographic records
- Study of texts
- Iconographical study of sculptures, reliefs, bronze images and paintings.
- Vastu and Silpa aspects of living tradition of rituals
- Survey and documentation of music and dance traditions and
- Study of Socio-political history of the temple
So far, three major monographs namely Tanjavur Brhadisvara : An Architectural Study, Brhadisvara Temple: Form and Meaning and The Iconography of the Brhadisvara Temple have been published by IGNCA, as a part of the project. The IGNCA also organised major events in Tamil Nadu (Chennai and Tanjavur). These events are enthusiastically acclaimed as unique and unusual presentations, revolving around the temple and the culture of its region, the people, craftsmen, implementation and music and dance.
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Tanjavur Brhadisvara : An Architectural Study | Brhadisvara Temple: Form and Meaning | The Iconography of the Brhadisvara Temple |
The IGNCA designed and developed an interactive multimedia DVD titled ” Tanjavur Brhadisvara Temple ” based on the materials collected.
Explore Multimedia project Brhadisvara Temple
This interactive multimedia DVD presents the content explanation systems on the Bṛhadīśvara temple to intensify cultural learning and visualisation. Through this DVD users can access the sections of the architectural layout, both horizontally and vertically with respective images and little description about each section.
The temple of Bṛhadīśvara includes a great number of iconographic representations. The most important icon in the temple is the huge Lings, the main symbolic object of worship. Distribution of sculptures on the ground and upper floors of the Vimana with description of each of these icons, their reference in the text(s) (through Dhyan shloka) and voiceover of the Dhyan shloka in some cases has been integrated for a better understanding. On the upper floor of the Central sanctum, sculptures are carved on the outside of the inner wall of the Central sanctum, sculptures are carved on the outside of the inner wall of the Vimana in a clock-wise direction. They represent the dance-karanas as described in the Bharata’sNatyashastra. 108 stone blocks were left to carve all the dance-karanas as per the text but, the work stopped after the 81st dance-karana. These images can be explored in the DVD with relevant shloka in the Natyashastra.
The paintings in the passageway of the garbhagriha of the temple are the only remaining examples of Cola paintings that we have today. Panels of the Cola paintings are linked through the storyline, to understand these paintings in their context. They are also grouped in different sections for easy navigation by users.
On the base of main tower, the front great hall, the subsidiary shrines and the enclosure are remarkable documents that record several aspect of the temple: its construction, maintenance and management, land grants. These have been integrated linking their location on the temple plan with translation published by ASI, for each navigation by users. The light these records throw on the rituals and festivals conducted in the Bṛhadīśvara temple is also significant. Daily and periodical worships (including kumbhabhishekam) has been documented by the IGNCA and is integrated in this DVD. We have attempted to capture the change in the attitude towards the temple – through the interviews of the hereditary Trustee and Kittappa Pillai, an eminent musician and nattuvanar belonged to the 8th generation of lineage of artists at Tanjavur, in this DVD.
Several alterations and additions in structures, do reflect the growth, with time, and this has been shown with the timeline in this DVD. Recent techniques and tools have been utilized to integrate the information available in different art forms in an interactive manner for each navigation by the users. 360 degree panoramic views of the temple from selected locations are provided for the users.
This is the first time when such a project has been conceptualised and fulfilled, to make the ancient knowledge and achievements accessible through a modern multimedia platform, for the understanding of our past.
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