Buddhism in Sikkim

Director: Sumit Banerjee
Duration: 1 hr, 29 min, 22 sec

Concept: Savyasaachi Jain

The film, in three parts, is a journey through the fascinating and inspiring story of Buddha’s life, his teaching, Buddhist practices, the emergence of two sects – Theravādaand Mahāyāna, and the coming of Buddhism to Sikkim via Tibet during fifteen-sixteen centuries. The ultimate goal is to reach Buddhahood, a stage beyond nirvāṇa and the path is through six pāramitās or transcendental wisdom. The film shows how Tibetan Buddhism and culture gets merged with indigenous practices in Sikkim and peeps into the life of Lepchas.

Copyright IGNCA

Copyright IGNCA

The cost of the DVD in India: Rs. 150/- + (actual Forwarding Charges)

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