Date: 15/03/2019
Time: 10:00 पूर्वाह्न - 1:00 अपराह्न
Venue: Craft Village, Murungapakkam,, Puducherry
Special lecture cum Traditional Performance.
Presenter: Dr. Gopi Gnanapragasam, Theatre Director of Yazh Art Academy and renowned personalities in both the Academic and Professional of Traditional and Modern Theater, has been proposed to be invited for the awakening the spirit in the form of Lecturing cum demonstration with aid of slide shows.
Presentation mode: The style of presentation will be accompanied with 5 traditional Therukoothu Performancers along with suitable Folk songs and meticulous instruments of Music played by professional artists. The substantiate those evidences of those modes of expressions found in the temple sculptures in South India will be aided with the slide shows too. This Lecture and performance demo will be keenly documented to preserve and inculcate into forth coming researchers in order to continue the life breath of those traditional ancient art to live forever.