Date: 24/07/2015
Time: 6:00 अपराह्न
Venue: IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road,, New Delhi
Director: Bappa Ray
Duration: 60 mts
From the 7th century, Buddhism underwent radical changes, and new forms appeared which were called Mahayana and Vajrayana or Tantra. The discipline combines yoga practice with highly complex ritualism, mixed with magic, and involves the worship of a large number of divinities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Mahayana Buddhism, both as a religion and a way of life has influenced the outlook of diverse communities in the Himalayan region. From Ladakh and Himachal in the west to Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim in the east, in small villages scattered throughout the areas bordering Tibet, are communities who have adopted the Buddhist way of life. The film looks at the influence of Buddhism – a Living Religion, on the socio-cultural heritage, dances, festivals, arts and craft of Buddhist communities in the North Eastern region of India, especially Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.