Date: 25/07/2014
Time: 6:00 अपराह्न
Venue: IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, 3 Dr. R.P. Road, New Delhi
Shri. G. Venu shall be present to take questions from the audience.
Origin of Pavakathakali or Puppet Kathakali is attributed to the Andippandaram community,an itinerant group who travelled from Andhra Pradesh and settled in Kerala. They performed puppetry as they moved from village to village for their livelihood. When Kathakali became popular in the eighteenth century, they began to dress up their puppets in Kathakali costumes and make up and also adapted attakatha, the text of Kathakali, creating a new form of puppetry called Pavakathakali. This 56 minute long presentation traces the history; the challenges the art form has faced in various phases of its existence and the present day efforts to rejuvenate it in the rustic setting in Kerala.