Museum walk and storytelling for young children

Date: 25/08/2019
Time: 11:00 पूर्वाह्न - 1:00 अपराह्न
Venue: Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery, University Road, Dak Bunglaw, Sayajiganj, Vadodara, Gujarat

This museum walk was conducted by IGNCA Regional Centre, Vadodara in collaboration with the Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery, Vadodara and ‘EkKhwaish’, a Baroda based NGO for their group of underprivileged children. The museum walks include facts about the museum and stories about its collections. The main objective remains to reach out to as many people as possible. Considering the comprehension level of these children, the sessionsare delivered in Hindi. After the museum walk, the children solve activity sheets which are also prepared in Hindi to cater to their learning needs.

Contact No –
07567895399 (Regional Centre, Vadodara)