Date: 11/04/2019 - 12/04/2019
Time: All Day
Venue: Convention Centre & Guest House, Pondicherry University, Puducherry
From the earliest times up to 16 th Century C E), Collaboration with Department of History, Pondicherry University & Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts.
Coordinator: Dr. Sanjay Jha
The main objective of organising National Seminar is to understand the dynamics of Early Historic and Medival trade networks in Peninsular India to highlight the appearance of trade and crafts guilds in 6th century BC. That marks one of the most dynamic facets of the Second urbanization in the Gangetic plains, the effects of which spreads across the subcontinent. The Ultimate combination of religion and trade leads the spread material culture into the peninsular India and also to explore the occurrence of northern black Polished ware (NBPW) as the cultural Indicator in all the Buddhist sites of Peninsular India, which is one of the significant manifestations.
Aim of the two day Seminar aims to focus on the Archaeological, Epigraphical, Art and Architectural sources to unravel the dynamics of Early Historic and Medieval Social, religious economic and Cultural institutions. Recording the Manuscripts/ transcripts and compilation of Archaeological, epigraphically sources etc and publishing them with standardized terminologies and modern methodology will be the follow up work undertaken as a result of the National seminar.