Webex Webinar on ‘The Cultural Legacy of Mysore’

Date: 22/01/2021 - 23/01/2021
Time: 4:00 अपराह्न
Venue: ,

Regional Centre, Bengaluru is delighted to present a 2-day Webinar on the rich cultural legacy of Mysore. Distinguished scholars will speak on the music, dance, visual, theatrical and puppet traditions of Mysore.


Meeting number: 176 195 8462
Password: 12345

Join by video system – 
Dial 1761958462@ignca.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone – 
+65-6703-6949 Singapore Toll
Access code: 176 195 8462

The programme will be broadcast on IGNCA Facebook Live