Kalākalpa Journal

Kalākalpa Bi- annual Journal

Journal of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) is pleased to release the Gurupurnima issue (2023) of the Kalākalpa Journal.
The issue had been released by Sri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State for Culture; Sri Ram Bahadur Rai, President IGNCA Trust; Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi, Member Secretary, IGNCA; Prof. Kapil Kapoor, Former Rector, JNU; and Prof. Sudhir Kumar Lall, HoD, Kalakosa Division, IGNCA.

Release of the Kalākalpa Bi-annual Journal, Volume VIII, No- 1, 2023

Date: 3 July 2023
Reach us to get a copy of Journal:
Email: ignacpub@gmail.com, kalakalpajournalignca@gmail.com
Price: INR 785/

Fondled by the imaginative vision and  creativity of the sage-like scholars,  let this with-fulfilling tree in the field of arts, be an eternal source of joy to its readers



Volume I. No. I July 2003 (Inaugural Issue)

Volume 1, No. 2, January 2004