Publications Release Programs

Date/Time Event
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Panel discussion on "Promoting Authors - Creating e-Books"

Launch of First 50 affordable e-Books and the Self Publishing platform

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Central Vista Mess, Janpath, New Delhi india
4:00 pm
Book Launch and Book Discussion of Old Brahmanical Shrines of Thailand

By Prof. Satya Vrat Shastri

Contact No – 23388333

Venue:  Conference Hall, C.V. Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book launch cum reading session of 'Nala Sopara'

By Dr. Chitra Mudgal

Contact No – 23385884

Venue:  IGNCA, Conference Hall, CV Mess, Janpath,, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book Launch Cum Reading Session of ‘Kaun Des Ko Vasi / Suryabala

Contact : 23385884

Venue:  Conference Hall, CV Mess Building, IGNCA, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book Launch - Kon Des ko Vaasi : Venu ki Diary

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Kalanidhi Division cordially invites to the programme

Venue:  Conference Hall in Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, C.V Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book Launch and Discussion on "The Infidel Next Door"

By Dr. Rajat Mitra

Venue:  IGNCA Conference Room, C.V. Mess, Janpath, Janpath, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book Launch and Discussion on भारत का स्वराज और महात्मा गाँधी

By श्री बनवारी

Venue:  Auditorium, C.V.Mess, New Delhi, New Delhi
11:00 am
सम्मान समारोह तथा पुस्तक का लोकार्पण

इन्दिरा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय कला केन्द्र द्वारा हिन्दुस्तानी भाषा अकादमी के सहयोग से हिन्दी भाषा के मेधावी छात्र एवं शिक्षक सम्मान समारोह का आयोजन तथा “राष्ट्र निर्माण में हिन्दी की भूमिका” नामक पुस्तक का लोकार्पण

Venue:  माटी घर, मीडिया सेंटर के नज़दीक, इन्दिरा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय कला केन्द्र, जनपथ सीवी मेस, नई दिल्ली, नई दिल्ली
4:00 pm
Book Launch and Discussion on Kashimir Devine Connect & Sikh Rule

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Kalanidhi cordially invites you to the Programme

Venue:  Conference Hall, C V Mess, Janpath, IGNCA, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book Launch and Discussion on Corridor of Books

Memories, ideas and reflections of a Library Worker by Dr. P R Goswami

Venue:  Conference Hall, C V Mess Building, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book launch cum reading sesion on 'राष्ट्रवादी पत्रकारिता के शिखर पुरूष : अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी'

by Dr. Saurabh Malviya, The session will be presided by Shri Ram Bahadur Rai, President, IGNCA.

Chief Guest : Shri Achyutanand Mishra, Sr. Journalist
Special Guest : Shri Alok Mehta, Sr. Journalist

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, C.V. Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
The Politics of Economics

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts KALANIDHI cordially invites you to the Book Launch and Reading Session

Venue:  Conference Hall, CV Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts KALANIDHI cordially invites you to the Book Launch of Anshuman Tiwari and Anindya Sengupta

Venue:  Conference Hall, CV Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book Launch-cum-Book Reading on "Bose or Gandhi and Kalki tu kahan hai

By Major General Dr. G.D. Bakshi. Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Hon’ble Member of Rajya Sabha will be the Chief Guest.

Venue:  Conference Hall, CV Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Naman Narmada Obeisance to Narmada

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Kalanidhi cordially invites you to the Book Lauch and Reading Session.

Venue:  Conference Hall, C.V. Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
5:30 pm
Buddhism : The path of Compassion

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts & Publication Division, Ministry of I & B cordially invites you to the Book Launch

Venue:  Conference Hall, C.V. Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book Launch–cum-Reading Session

By  Shri B.L.Gaur

Venue:  Conference Hall, C. V. Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
3:00 pm
Book Release & Lecture

Book Release – Jewellery (A scientific study of social tradition), Ghats of Banaras and Untold Story of Broadcasting (During Quit India Movement) in collaboration with Publication Division by Dr. Mahesh Sharma, Minister of State (Independent Charge) Minister of Culture, followed by a Lecture on Ma Faleshu Kadaachan by Dr. Gulab Kothari, D. Litt. Eminent Vedic Thinker and Journalist

Venue:  Auditorium, C V Mess, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Inauguration of the Prof. Devendra Swarup Personal Book Collection in the Kala Nidhi: Reference Library

Contact No  : 23388333, 23388362

Venue:  11 Mansingh Road (First Floor), New Delhi, New Delhi
4:00 pm
Book release & Discussion Programme  - Bhartiya Shiksha Vyavastha

by Dr. Rama

Venue:  Conference Hall, C V Mess, Janpath, IGNCA, New Delhi, New Delhi
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