Film Screening

Date/Time Event
5:30 pm
Film screening of GOTIPUA.

Director: Gulbahar Singh. Duration: 32 minutes

Gotipua dancers have survived in limited circles. The film highlights the physical and mental preparation of young dancers within a tight framework of training. This film is a tribute to the heritage of Gotipua and their contribution to the tradition of Indian performing arts.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Screening of the film Circus

Theatre actors and circus artists come together to make this brilliant production under the directorial gaze of Abhilash Pillai. Twenty-six students from the National School of Drama, combine with nineteen artistes from Grand Circus along with an elephant and a horse appear on stage, the circus ring, for the maiden show of ‘Clowns and Clouds’, based on tales from the Panchatantra, from Kalidas’ Meghadoot, and a Chinese fable Shwa-Shwa. Joker acts in between are supported by innovative masks, costumes, specially created music and dance. For the actor/student it was a challenge to perform in front of an audience of three thousand odd people circled from all sides. For the circus performer the challenge was to stick to a story. For the rest of us, the audience, a visual never seen before. IGNCA in collaboration with National School of Drama had hosted three days of Circus at IGNCA in 2013. The entire performance was documented by NSD. A film based on this documentation has now been made by well known film maker Shri Sanjay Mahirshi.
Shri Mahirshi will be available for Q & A session.

Venue:  : IGNCA Auditorium, C.V. Mess, Janpath,, New Delhi, New Delhi
7:00 pm

24th September 2015: Inauguration of Exhibition: Bimb-Pratibimb Ramnagar-Ramlila, Varanasi by Shri Narendra Kumar Sinha, Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. Guest of Honour: Maharaja Dr. Anant Narayan Singh

Exhibition will remain open for two months.

Venue: Media Centre, 3, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi – 110 001
Time: 3:30PM followed by screening of Documenting Ramnagar Ramlila, Varanasi
27th September to 27 October 2015 DOCUMENTING RAMNAGAR RAMLILA. Ramlila of Ramnagar is the most famous among all the Ramlilas, its scale is unmatched in Lila performances and UNESCO has declared it as an intangible cultural heritage of India. IGNCA has documented the complete Lila of 31 days. The documentary highlights the significance and uniqueness of the living heritage.
The regular daily screening for 31days between 6:00 to 6:30PM
Venue: IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, 3 Dr. R. P. Road, N. Delhi
Time: 6:00 to 6:30PM


Amity School, PushpVihar (05.10.2015)
Amity International school, Seket (06.10.2015)
NGO Sakshi Jasola (07.10.2015)
NGO Sakshi Jasola (08.10.2015)
Ramnagar Ramleela Schools for Screening (Video 1)
Ramnagar Ramleela Schools for Screening (Video 2)
26th September 2015:
The Telecast on DD Bharti will start with a curtain raiser of 55 mins. at 8.00 pm
27th September to 27 October 2015
Telecast of 31 episodes of 30 mins each at 8.30 pm daily on DD Bharti

Exhibition 24th September to 27th November 2015


31days Screening at IGNCA (27th Sep – 27th Oct. 2015)


31days Telecast at DD Bharti (27th Sep – 27th Oct. 2015)

Venue:  IGNCA, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film circle screening of PEMAYANGTSE Director: Ranajit Ray Duration: 52 minutes

The film is a visually rich and detailed observation of the education, religious art, rituals, ceremonies and festivals at Sikkim’s most revered Buddhist monastery, home to the Niyangampa order.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
IGNCA Film Circle : Deva Vadyangal : Temple Instruments of Kerala

Director : R.Sarath
Duration : 58 minutes

Sound emitted by temple musical instruments for various ritualistic and ceremonial purposes is explored in this film. It touches upon the lesser known temple instruments of Kerala like Maddalam, Tayambaka Kompu, Kuzhal and Panca Vadyam like Sudha Maddalam, Edakka, Kompu, Elathalam. It traces the Guruvayur tradition and examines the Travancore School in which traditional instruments are played and taught. The sound bytes explore the age-old tradition of playing these instruments.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, 3 Dr. R. P. Road,, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
IGNCA Film Circle : SHABDA YATRA Director : Dr.G.S.Raina Duration : 55 minutes, Hindi

The documentary is on the role of Press in the freedom struggle of India. It highlights the significance of the vernacular Press in spreading the message of the freedom movement among the masses and the humiliations suffered by the editors of those times. The rare archival newspapers and magazines of that era have been shown in the documentary.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, 3 Dr. R. P. Road,, New Delhi, New Delhi
3:00 pm
Film screening of Shesher Kobita by Ministry of Culture

This film, which is based on Tagore’s novel was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture at the time of 150th Birth Anniversary of Tagore, will be released by the Hon’ble Minister of Culture at 3.00pm on 7th August, 2015, the death anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore.

Venue:  : IGNCA Auditorium, C.V. Mess., New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film screening of Buddhism - A living Religion in the North east of India

Director: Bappa Ray
Duration: 60 mts

From the 7th century, Buddhism underwent radical changes, and new forms appeared which were called Mahayana and Vajrayana or Tantra. The discipline combines yoga practice with highly complex ritualism, mixed with magic, and involves the worship of a large number of divinities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Mahayana Buddhism, both as a religion and a way of life has influenced the outlook of diverse communities in the Himalayan region. From Ladakh and Himachal in the west to Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim in the east, in small villages scattered throughout the areas bordering Tibet, are communities who have adopted the Buddhist way of life. The film looks at the influence of Buddhism – a Living Religion, on the socio-cultural heritage, dances, festivals, arts and craft of Buddhist communities in the North Eastern region of India, especially Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road,, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film screening of Navakalevara Director: Prithviraj Mishra

Duration : 49 minutes

The icons of Lord Jagannatha and his companions in Jagannaatha temple of Puri in Orissa are made of Neem wood. Ritualistically, these icons are made after an interval of twelve/nineteen years. This event is called Navakalevara or the new embodiment.This film is a rare documentation of this event.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm

Director: Abdul Majid
Duration: 56 minutes

The film looks at the life-cycle events of Sufi saints, Islamic institutions, creative heritage, folk songs and creative traditions that highlight the Islamic heritage of Assam. It shows that Islamic heritage in Assam has been shaped over eight centuries since the first footing of the Muslims in this part of the country through interface and interaction of the community with the locals. The liberal Vaishnava tradition in healthy conjunction with the Sufi tradition offered unique opportunities to the Muslims to identify and integrate themselves into local lifestyles and build a harmonious customary and liberal Islamic heritage.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road,, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
On the Occasion of International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2015, special Film screening of History of Yoga’

Directors: Ramji Om and Dr. Deepika Kothari
Duration: 98 minutes

The ‘History of Yoga’ is the film documentation of Art, Culture, Heritage and History unfolding the wisdom of Yoga. The film traces the elements of Yoga from Harappan civilization to the 19th century.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film screening of LOLAB

Director: Mohiuddin Mirza
Duration: 52 minutes

The National Award winning documentary presents a picturesque glimpse of the Himalayan sub-valley, known as the fruit bowl of Jammu & Kashmir. The Anthropological film captures the beauties of nature in its pristine form.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road,, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film screening of Lai - Haraoba

Director: Aribam Syam Sharma
Duration : 1 hr. 11 min.

Lai-Haraoba is derived from the words Lai Hao Loba. Shouting of Hai by the Lai or deity in a state of bliss is the core of the concept. Lai Haraoba is the annual ritual festival of Manipur, which takes place in the month of April/May and is celebrated continuously for 7/9/13 days. The film bears witness to the creation of the Universe and life forms including flora and fauna, through ritual dances, dramatic performances and processions. The gold and the silver of the egg are equated with the male-female principles. Sacred water touches the navel of God Guru Sidaba. Guru Sidaba solidifies the network of human life with the help of Atiya Guru Sidaba, and by enslaving the evil Harva by the beautiful lightning goddess.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film screening of Clay Images of Kumartuli (IGNCA's National Award Winning Film)

Duration: 52 minutes

Winner of Rajat Kamal (National Film Award) for its extensive study of the craft and community of the Clay makers in the context of changing times under the category of best promotional film, to cover tourism, export, craft industry etc.

Making and worshipping divine images is a very old Indian practice. Some of the oldest archaeological finds on the sub-continent, particularly in Bengal, have been terracotta or burnt clay idols of Gods and Goddesses. The making of religious images along traditional lines existed in Bengal in pre-British times. Clay images made by the Krishna Nagar craftsmen showing the Goddess Durga triumphant over demon Mahishasura, were at the centre of the worship. The film focuses on the makers of these images settled in Kumartuli.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, C V Mess, No. 1, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film screening of MASKHARA

Maskhara- a jester, in the folk theatre – Bhand Pather, is a comedian who entertains the audiences. This folk play is performed in open and is seen by thousands of spectators at a time. The documentary focuses on its traditional style, gestures of the characters, uniqueness of the costumes, the singing and dancing convention.

Director: Ravi Kemmu
Duration: 55 minutes

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
6:00 pm
Film screening of PANDAVANI

Pandavani is the narrative tradition of communities like Pardhan, Gaund and Devar, spread across Chhatisgarh, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. The documentary highlights various nuances of the story-telling tradition and its two main styles- Vedamati and Kapalika. The famous Tijanbai features performing a Kapalika style narrative.

Director: Manohar Aashi
Duration: 58 minutes

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
5:00 pm

Director: Bappa Ray
Duration: 43 Minutes

The Santhals live close to nature. As a community they may be seen in the context of their environment, ecology, the supernatural and beyond. Banam is a special musical instrument of Santhals and music forms an inseparable part of their lives. The film strives to highlight the man- nature relationship of this community.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road,, New Delhi, New Delhi
5:00 pm
Film Screening of Buddhism in Sikkim

Director Sumit Banerjee
Duration : 1.29min.

The film, in three parts, takes you on a journey through the fascinating and no less inspiring story of Buddha’s life, his teaching, Buddhist practices, the emergence of two sects – Theravada and Mahayana, and the coming of Buddhism to Sikkim via Tibet in 15th – 16th Century. The ultimate goal is to reach Buddhahood a stage beyond Nirvana and the path is through six ‘paramitas’ or transcendental and wisdom. It is not an easy job to become a monk, who has to undergo nine year of hard training in a monastery. The monastery is a complete world by itself, with all the facilities. Monastery is not a simple building, but has set design, intricately carved with mural paintings and structures, in which Mani wheels and Thangka paintings have their own significance. Watch how Tibetan Buddhism and culture gets merged with indigenous practices in Sikkim. Have a peep into the life of Lepchas

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
5:30 pm
Screening of the Documentary on the International Exhibition Rupa Pratirupa :The Body in Indian Art

The Body in Indian Art’ curated by Prof. Naman P. Ahuja was inaugurated by the President of India at the ICCR/ Europalia International Arts Festival at the Palais de Beaux-Arts, Brussels in October, 2013. This landmark exhibition of over 350 objects was sourced from 55 lenders from India and abroad. Later, in 2014 this exhibition was shown at the National Museum of India in New Delhi where it achieved record-breaking public acclaim. IGNCA documented these masterpieces for its archives as it was an opportunity to record for posterity this outstanding collection of Indian art. Selected highlights from this extensive documentation have been made into eight films. Each of these films is just under 30 minutes and showcases a gallery per film. Each episode introduces a variety of Indian aesthetic meditations on the role of art and representation.

Venue:  Auditorium, C.V. Mess, Janpath, IGNCA, New Delhi, New Delhi
5:00 pm
Film Circle screening of History of Yoga

Directors: Ramji Om and Dr.Deepika Kothari
Duration: 98 minutes

The History of Yoga is the film documentation of Art, Culture, Heritage and History unfolding the wisdom of Yoga. The film traces the elements of Yoga from Harappan civilization to the 19th century.

Venue:  IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi, New Delhi
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