Publications Release Programs
Date/Time | Event |
08/02/2025 4:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch & Discussion - The Silk Saga: The Insect that ruled the World Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division In collaboration with IDEA Communications Cordially invites you to Book Launch & Discussion Published by Penman Books by Shelly Shaurya & Sanjay Kumar Srivastava. Venue: Umang Conference Hall, IGNCA, Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi |
03/02/2025 3:00 अपराह्न |
Foundation Day Celebration of Kalanidhi Division Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division on the occasion of Basant Panchmi cordially invites you to Foundation Day Celebrations Exhibition, Book Launch & Cultural Programmes, Launch of IGNCA Publications Venue: SAMVET Auditorium , Ground Floor, IGNCA , Janpath Building (near Western Court), Janpath,, New Delhi, New Delhi |
21/01/2025 3:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch and Panel Discussion Indira Gandhi National Centre for th Arts Kaladarsna Division Cordially invites invites you to the programme. – Book Launch of ‘Art for Everyone – A Creative Journey’ by Prof. Him Chatterjee Professor and Chairman, Department of Visual Arts, Himachal Pradesh University Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Ground Floor, IGNCA, Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi |
16/01/2025 11:30 पूर्वाह्न |
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence: A Transformative Lens on Arts, Culture, and Knowledge Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division Cordially invites you a lecture by Shri Prashant Pandey. Venue: Umang Conference Hall, 4th floor, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi Delhi |
10/12/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
THEYYAM: Indian Folk Ritual Theatre An Insider’s Vision Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division is organizing a Book Launch and Discussion by Mr. K. K. Gopalakrishnan. Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Ground Floor, Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi Delhi |
02/12/2024 3:30 अपराह्न |
समावेशी शब्द साधक' पुस्तक का लोकार्पण एवं संस्मरण संध्या इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय कला केंद्र द्वारा आयोजित लोकार्पण एवं संस्मरण संध्या में आप सभी सादर आमंत्रित हैं। अध्यक्षताः पद्मश्री राम बहादुर राय, अध्यक्ष, इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय कला केंद्र Venue: समवेत सभागार, इंदिरा गांधी राष्ट्रीय कला केंद्र, जनपथ, नई दिल्ली |
13/11/2024 4:30 अपराह्न |
Book Launch and Discussion : India's New Right Powering the current wave of Nationalism and Civilisational Revival Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kalanidhi Division cordially invite you To Book Launch and Discussion Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Ground Floor, Janpath Hotel Building, Janpath, New Delhi Delhi |
12/09/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch and Discussion on Treasure of the Gupta Empire by Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kalanidhi Division Cordially invites you to Book Launch and Discussion. Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi Delhi |
29/07/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
प्रो. नामवर सिंह स्मारक व्याख्यान एवं लोकार्पण इन्दिरा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय कला केन्द्र कलानिधि विभाग व्याख्यान एवं लोकार्पण के अवसर पर आपको सादर आमंत्रित करता है प्रो. नामवर सिंह स्मारक व्याख्यान: नामवर होना और न होना नामवर सिंह द्वारा लिखित एवं विजय प्रकाश सिंह द्वारा सम्पादित पुस्तक : हिन्दी कविता की परम्परा Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi |
12/07/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch and Discussion on "Samskaras: The Early Indian Tradition: An Introduction to Social Dimensions from the Grhyasutras and Dharmasutras Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division Cordially invites you to Book Launch and Discussion by Shwetanshu Bhushan. |
30/05/2024 5:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch & Discussion on " विदेश में हिंदी पत्रकारिता: 27 देशों की हिंदी पत्रकारिता का सिंहावलोकन " Kala Nidhi Division is conducting a Book Launch & Discussion by डॉ० जवाहर कर्नावट Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi |
24/05/2024 4:30 अपराह्न |
Book Launch & Discussion on "Echoes of Enlightenment: IGNCA's Journey into Buddhism" Kala Nidhi Division is conducting a Book Launch & Discussion Edited by Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi and Mr. Mayank Shekhar. Venue: UMANG Conference Hall, 4th Floor, Auditorium Building IGNCA, Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi |
22/05/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch, Discussion & Performance - Indian Classical Dances: The Healing Powers Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division Cordially invites you to Book Launch, Discussion & Performance By Smt. Kanaka Sudhakar. Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi |
24/04/2024 5:00 अपराह्न |
Book Discussion: A ZigZag Mind Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division Cordially invites you to Book Discussion by Dr. Sonal Mansingh. Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Janpath Building, Janpath,, New Delhi, New Delhi |
23/04/2024 3:30 अपराह्न |
Mapping Doctoral Research in Library and Information Science in India 1950-2023 (2 Volume Set) Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division On the occasion of World Book & World Copyright Day Cordially invites you to Book Launch and Discussion By Prof. (Dr.) Shashi Prabha Singh and Dr. Parveen Babbar Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi, Delhi |
16/04/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
Book Discussion on "We and the World Around" Kala Nidhi Division is conducting a Book Discussion by Dr. Manmohan Vaidya. Venue: SAMVET Auditorium, Ground Floor,, IGNCA Janpath Building, Janpath New Delhi |
15/04/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
पुस्तक "दृश्यांतर" के लोकार्पण और परिचर्चा कलानिधि विभाग द्वारा श्री अजित राय द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक “दृश्यांतर” के लोकार्पण और परिचर्चा का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। Venue: UMANG Conference Hall, 4th Floor, IGNCA, Janpath Building (Near Western Court), Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi |
04/04/2024 5:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch and Discussion on "Integration of Bharat: Political and Constitutional Perspective" Kala Nidhi Division is conducting a Book Launch and Discussion by Yashraj Singh Bundela. Venue: Samvet Auditorium, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Janpath Building, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi |
23/02/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
Launch and Discussion on “पतझड़ में वसन्त Kala Nidhi Division is conducting a Book Launch and Discussion by डॉ शीला झुनझुनवाला एवं परिचर्चा : व्यक्तित्व निर्माण में मातृभाषा की भूमिका Venue: UMANG Conference Hall, 4th Floor, IGNCA, Janpath Building (Near Western Court), Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi |
22/02/2024 4:00 अपराह्न |
Book Launch & Discussion on Kasturba Gandhi: A Biography Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Kala Nidhi Division is conducting Book Launch & Discussion. Venue: SAMVET Auditorium, Ground Floor, IGNCA, Janpath Building (Near Western Court), Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi |