Great Master Series – Zohra Unmasked Part I and Part II

Director: Jai Chandiram
Duration: 54 min, 14 sec

Belonging to an aristocratic family of Nawabs, it was unusual for Zohra to show her urge to become a dancer. She went to Germany, and got a three year diploma in dancing. It was a training in expressing the consciousness of one’s body, using appropriate postures and adding emotions to the performances. On her return, she joined the dancing school of Uday Shanker. Mter a brief stint in Lahore she moved to Mumbai. Here she joined the theatre group of Prithvi Raj Kapoor and worked with him for fifteen years, and even acted in films with him. Her husband’s death made her shift to London. But, she wanted to return to her roots and the yearning was so strong that she carne back to Mumbai.

The personality of this great danseuse, actress and the theatre person is unveiled by Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan -the well-known visionary of art and culture.

Copyright IGNCA

The cost of the DVD in India: Rs. 150/- + (actual Forwarding Charges)

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