Great Master Series – Shri Bhisma Sahani and Prof. Mahesh Mishra (two films in one DVD)

Duration: 54 min, 51 sec

Bhisma Sahni, great writer, theatre personality, social worker, shares some reminiscences with Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan. The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by the national movement for freedom, along with reform movements. There were more revolutions led by people like Bhagat Singh. His hanging gave a fillip to the patriotism. It was not a question of whether violence was right or wrong. Sahni feels that our attention is diverted today from socio-cultural problems, while the earlier ideology had a meaning and there was faith connected with a goal – an objective. Today, at individual level there are commitments, but the social level is overpowered by materialism. Our cultural legacy – sanskṛti is no longer valued, but Sahni believes that our country will find a way to move forward.

Mahesh Mishra, a great Gandhian and freedom fighter, who spent his life in the service of the nation, shares some of his experiences and views with Rajiv Malviya. At an age of ninety-two, he has been a staunch believer in Gandhian teachings. He went to jail many times. His only regret is that the Gandhian path is at a discount, because of other priorities. He talks about freedom movement, Partition and post­ Partition politics. He airs his views lucidly.

Copyright IGNCA

The cost of the DVD in India: Rs. 150/- + (actual Forwarding Charges)

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