Buddhist Fables

Buddhist Classics

Life and Legends of Buddha

The Illustrated Jataka & Other Stories of the Buddha by C. B. Varma Introduction | Glossary | Bibliography


Anagatavamsa The story of Metteya, written by Kassapa, a native of the Chola country modern Tamil Nadu in verse. The Introductory verse, however, states that the story was narrated by the Buddha at the behest of Sariputta
Apadana The thirteenth book of the Khuddakanikaya. It contains the biographies of several monks and nuns, who lived in the days of the Buddha. Further, the two introductory chapters of the texts deal with the Buddha and the Paccheka Buddhas.
Apadana Atthakatha The commentary on the above.
Buddhavamsa The fourteenth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, which in turn is one of the volumes of the Sutta Pitaka. It contains the biographical account of the twenty-five Buddhas; last being Gotama Buddha. The book also states the names of the Bodhisatta corresponding to a Buddha. The last chapter deals with the distribution of the relics of Gotama Buddha.
Chariya Pitaka The fifteenth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, containing the stories of the Buddha’s previous births in metrical form glorifying the ten ‘paramis’ or perfections like charity (dana) etc. Each story is called a Chariya. These stories are juxtaposed to the corresponding Jataka stories.
Chariya Pitaka Atthakatha The commentary on the above by Dhammapala.
Dhammapada The second book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, which contains four hundred and twenty-three verses classified into six heads. It compiles various verses of the canon but there is hardly any verse culled from the Jataka.
Dhammapada Atthakatha A commentary on the above.
Digha Nikaya The first book of the Sutta-Pitaka, which contains thirty-four long (digha) discourses.
Sumangalavilasini A commentary on the Digha Nikaya written by Buddhaghosa.
Dipavamsa The oldest extant Singhales chronicle in Pali.
Gandhavamsa Often ascribed to Nanda Panna of Burma and deals with the history of the Pali canons and the post-canonical Pali works written in Burma and Sri Lanka.
Itivuttaka The fourth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya. It contains one hundred and ten discourses of the Buddha recited by Khujuttara at Kosambi; and later by Ananda in the Rajagaha council.
Jataka See Introduction
Jataka Atthakatha See Introduction
Khuddakapatha Atthakatha A commentary on the Khuddakapatha, which is one of the fifteen books of the Khuddaka Nikaya.
Maha Niddesa One of the books of the Khuddaka Nikaya.
Maha Niddesa Atthakatha A commentary on the above.
Mahavamsa The Singhales chronicle, which records the history of Buddhism in India and its advent in Sri Lanka. This chronicle has helped the historians to reconstruct the ancient history of India, particularly of the Mauryans.
Mahavamsa Tika A commentary on the above is also called the Vamsattha-Pakasini.
Majjhima Nikaya The second book of the Sutta Pitaka containing one hundred and fifty-two discourses of middle (majjhima) length.
Milinda Panha One of the greatest classics of the Pali literature of the first century often compared with the Plato’s Phaedo for its style of ratiocination.
Papanchasudani The commentary on the Majjhima Nikaya written by Buddhaghosa.
Sasanavamsa An ecclesiastical chronicle of Buddhism written by Pannasami in Myanmar.
Sutta Nipata One of the books of the Khuddaka Nikaya known for its lucid style of the Buddhist moral marked by lyricism.
Paramatthajotika Is the Sutta Nipata Atthakatha or the commentary ascribed to Buddhaghosa.
Theragatha The eighth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, which records the expressions of the monks at the time of the Buddha in verse
Theragatha Atthakatha Dhammapala wrote a commentary on the above book, which is a part of the Paramatthadipani.
Therigatha The ninth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, which records the expressions of the nuns with their profound feelings and devotion.
Therigatha Atthakatha A commentary on the above.
Udana The Udana, technically means the solemn utterances of the Buddha on special occasions, is relatively a short collection of eighty stories. It is generally in verse with the tristubha, jagati etc. metres. Further, each udana is accompanied by a prosaic description to explain the contextuality. The stories of the Udana serves the model for the composition of the Dhammapada Commentary.
Udana Atthakatha A commentary on the Udana.
Vimanavatthu The sixth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya. It gives the description of the celestial abodes belonging to the different devas.
Vimanavatthu Atthakatha The commentary on the Vimanavatthu.

Bibliography on Ajanta Paintings

Auboyer, J. Composition and Perspective at Ajanta, Art and Letters, India and Pakistan, New Series XXI (1): 1948 pp.20-28

Ghosh, A. Ajanta Murals. Archaelogical Survey of India New Delhi: 1967.

Griffith. The Paintings in the Buddhist Cave Temples at Ajanta, Ellora and Khandesh. 2 Vols. London: 1896.

Gupta, R.S. & Mahajan, B.D. Ajanta, Ellora and Aurangabad Caves. D.B.Taraporevala Sons & Co. : Bombay:1962.

Lady Herringham. Ajanta Frescoes. Oxford: 1915.

Lalit Kala Akademi. Ajanta Paintings. New Delhi: 1956. (20 plates).

Mitra, D. Ajanta. Archaelogical Survey of India New Delhi: 1983.

Mukul Dey. My Pilgrimage to Ajanta and Bagh. London:1925.

Nagar, Shanti Lal. Jatakas in Indian Art. Parimal Publications. Delhi:1993.

Paintings from Ajanta Caves: 32 Plates. UNESCO: 1954.

Rowland, B. The Ajanta Caves. Mentor UNESCO: 1963.

Rowland, B. The Wall Paintings of India, Central Asia & Ceylon. Boston: 1938.

Singh, Madanjeet. Cave Paintings of Ajanta. 1965.

Smith, Vincent. The Caves of Ajanta and the Frescoes therein. Journal of Indian Art Vol.XV(120). London:1913.

Weilner, S.L. Ajanta: Its Place in Buddhist Art. California: 1977.

Yazdani, Ghulam. Ajanta: The Colour and Monochrome Representations of Ajanta Frescoes Vols 1-4. Oxford:1930-55.

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