Holistic Health : A Journey from Inner to Outer

Dr. Vinod Verma was born in a family of Ayurvedic practitioners. She has earned two Doctorate degrees written many papers besides five books on Ayurveda and Yoga. She has founded ‘New Way Health Organisation’ to spread the message of holistic living. She had delivered a lively talk on holistic health’ at the IGNCA forum. She explained the term ‘holistic health’ which has been misused during recent years, particularly in the West. Clarifying the concept, she said, in the Indian tradition the body and mind is one in physical sense which is inner and this inner moves to outer i.e. a basic reality of our being at a physical level. Elaborating the term she said: “Holistic way of being does not lead to holistic health but also gives rise to the harmony of mind and body with the rest of the cosmos”. The later paves the way for creativity of multiple dimensions. A true work of art is that which is beyond space and time and that only emerges from being who is in rhythm with the cosmic orchestra. Further she pointed out that from holistic point of view an illness is viewed as the consequence of disharmony with the cosmic order and Ayurvedic dimensional therapy addresses the illness at rational , psychological and spiritual levels. Dr. Verma said: “Various rasas of drugs in natural therapy help to create harmony in the body and the rasas from artistic experience nourish the mind and tune it with the cosmic rhythm by creating a balance of three qualities – the satva, rajasa and tamasa”.



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