Seminar on ‘What have the Arts in Common? 3-5 June 1993, Dhvanyaloka, Mysore

A Seminar on ‘What have the Arts in Common?’ was held in Mysore from 3-5 June 1993 jointly sponsored by IGNCA and Dhvanyaloka, Mysore. The Seminar focused on the fundamental issued relating to the arts and covered a wide spectrum of areas including creativity, self expression, functions, manifestation and response in art to the inter-relationship between the various genres in art. The Seminar was attended by thirty-five delegates, including mainly practitioners and theorists representing several art disciplines. Organized in nine sessions and spread over three days, the Seminar was interspersed with lively panel discussions and also dance and music performances.

Inaugurating the seminar, Shivaram Karanth, the eminent scholar and creative writer, spoke on the nature of creativity and related it to its own career as a writer. In the keynote address Kapila Vatsyayan spoke about the complex web of interrelationship in art. The theoretical and practical dimensions of art and artistic traditions in India, and the world-view embodied in them which runs as a central thread connecting the parts to the whole, was the subject of her presentation. The participants included Raja Ramanna, Mulk Raj Anand, C.D. Narasimhaiah, Padma Subramanian, S.C. Malik, R.K. Laxman among others.

The meeting of interdisciplinary scholars with seemingly different occupations and preoccupations turned out to be a collective pursuit for identifying the perennial source-springs of art activity on the one hand, and the commonality and reciprocity of the arts on the other.

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