Points raised in the discussion time:
Some of the delegates requested the organizers of the workshop to allow all the resource persons to improve upon their papers before finally being accepted for the purpose of publishing.
Participants also urged the gathering to understand the chapters or episodes narrated in Manipuri Ramayana. The popular episodes in Manipuri Ramayana including Chandrajini must be written. It would allow other parts of the world to enjoy the taste of our Ramayana.
There was a view expressed to do a comparative study of the Ramayana with a special reference to the Ramayana literature of the neighbouring states of Assam and Bengal.
On being stated by one of the participants that the papers missed out many important and popular episodes of Manipuri Ramayana, a resource person replied that, there are no written records which could be quoted. There are many stories regarding the roots of Ramayana traditions which have come down from generation to generation. However, since there are no written documents, it is difficult to be stated as an authentic source.
The consensus of the workshop gave a new light that Manipuri Ramayana should be honestly attempted. A workshop to compile varying stories of Manipuri Ramayana and episodes added in Manipur must also be attempted.
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