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Ongoing Projects

  • Decipherment of Sarasvati-Sindhu-Seals
  • Decipherment of Indus Script: A New Approach
  • Dating of Mahabharata in collaboration with Bhanadarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune
  • History of Ghats of Varanasi
  • Vamshavali
  • Dating of Bhartrihari
  • Dating of Kalidasa
  • Finding out actual history of the selected centrally protected Monuments
  • Comparative study of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism
  • Literary reference work for the ongoing parliament vista projects Constitution Gallery
  • Conducting Post Graduate Diploma in Hindu Studies (PGDHS) and Bharatiya Jnana Parampara (PGDBJP)

Bharat Vidya Prayojana (BVP) – Phase II

Bharat Vidya Prayojana (BVP) a Division of IGNCA is  working in the area of understanding and conserving the dispersed elements of Indian art and culture, and studying the diverse areas of Indian studies. This division is recontextualizing the study of Indian studies from a holistic Indian viewpoint. Providing a platform to generate healthy conversation by organizing dedicated public lectures by eminent academics, national and international seminars, and focused workshops to promote the study of India as an autonomous topic at school and university levels. Initiating and sustaining studies and institutional research on Indian studies.  Building bridges of connection between classical and current Indian studies.  Propagating the essential ideas and the vision of Indian traditions across the globe.

Prof. A. B. Shukla, IAS (Retd.)

HoD, Bharat Vidya Prayojana (BVP)
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), 
Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India

Phone: + 91 011-23446374 
Email: prfbvpignca@gmail.com

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