Southern Regional Centre

Activities at IGNCA – SRC : Coomaraswamy’s writings on metaphysics

IGNCA SRC had arranged two lectures on Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy’s life and writings on Art and Metaphysics on 8th and 9th Oct. 2003 at the Institue of World Culture, Bangalore. Prof. K. S. Kannan, Head of Dept., Sanskrit, National College, Jayanagar delivered these talks.

In the first lecture, Prof. Kannan gave a thorough and well-documented sketch of Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy’s life, personality and erudition through his own writings, letters, essays and books on him by others. It was a comprehensive and total perspective focusing on the universal vision of Coomaraswamy. Later, Prof. Kannan gave a racy description of Dr. Coomaraswamy’s concept of art through his famous writing on the ‘Dance of Shiva’. His lectues brought out to the audience the genius of Dr. Coomaraswamy, through his writings, even on minor topics.

During the second lecture, Prof. Kannan explored the profundity of Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy’s spiritual throught, metaphysical writings and philosophical symbolism. He emphasized the very words of Dr. Coomaraswamy that he had nothing to propound a new philosophy or metaphysics of his own and that he is only echoing the words of the masters of the past belonging to the Vedic culture and vividly interpreted in myriad ways by the seers of east and west. The lecture were followed and thanks were performed by Dr. R. K. Ganesh. Prof. P.V. Krishna Bhat, Hony. Coordinator, IGNCA-SRC presented a token of gratitide to Prof. Kannan.

The CD version of the Sanskrit play Svapnavasavadattam, produced as per the canons of Natyasastra was released by Shri M.V. Kamath – Chairman, Prasar Bharathi and Trustee, IGNCA Trust at the Kincha auditorium, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan on October 10, in the presence of Prof. Indra Nath Choudhuri, Member Secretary, IGNCA. The play has been produced by IGNCA-SRC. The 150 minutes long play was screened on the occasion. Scholars, dancers, musicians, Sanskrit lovers, students, theatre and film personalities were among the audience as the auditorium was over flowing with keen viewers. The production was received very well and there was an overwhelming appreciation for this unique production, a first of its kind. Later Dr. S.R. Leela, Director of this play production was felicitated by Shri M.V. Kamath. Both Shri Kamath and Prof. Choudhuri praised the venture.

Tree Planting

The five trees symbolic of the five divisions of IGNCA were planted at the site of Southern Regional Centre premises a the Bangalore University campus. The presence of Shri M.V. Kamath and Prof. Indra Nath Choudhuri added fillip to the event. The following trees – Ashvattha, Nyagrodha, Asoka, Arjuna and Kadamba were planted by Shri M.V. Kamath, Prof. Thimappa Vice Chancellor of Bangalore University, Shri Halbe (Architect) and Prof. P.V.Krishna Bhat.


Report by Dr. R. Ganesh


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