Film screening of Clay Images of Kumartuli (IGNCA’s National Award Winning Film)

Date: 08/05/2015
Time: 6:00 pm
Venue: IGNCA Auditorium, C V Mess, No. 1, Janpath, New Delhi

Duration: 52 minutes

Winner of Rajat Kamal (National Film Award) for its extensive study of the craft and community of the Clay makers in the context of changing times under the category of best promotional film, to cover tourism, export, craft industry etc.

Making and worshipping divine images is a very old Indian practice. Some of the oldest archaeological finds on the sub-continent, particularly in Bengal, have been terracotta or burnt clay idols of Gods and Goddesses. The making of religious images along traditional lines existed in Bengal in pre-British times. Clay images made by the Krishna Nagar craftsmen showing the Goddess Durga triumphant over demon Mahishasura, were at the centre of the worship. The film focuses on the makers of these images settled in Kumartuli.