A manuscript page after restoration

From IGNCA Archive

IGNCA, a Manuscript Conservation Centre

India has produced a large wealth literature pertaining to different areas. This literary material has been preserved through the centuries both in the oral and written forms.

In written form, this vast corpus of literature is spread over different languages and scripts and on different materials like birch, palm leaf , cloth, wood, stone and paper. These manuscripts are in the custody of different institutions like libraries, monasteries, granthalyas, mutts and individuals. Most of these are not preserved scientifically and experts estimate that almost all palm leaf manuscripts must be older then 50 to 100 years. If these become unusable through decay, they cannot be replaced by another identical specimen or by something that would serve nearly as well, as might frequently be the case with books. Thus it is of utmost importance to take steps to constantly monitor their condition and to make efforts to minimize the damage and to simultaneously restore the valuable collections so as to prolong their life.

It is this need for conservation that drove National Mission for Manuscripts to designate fifteen Manuscript Conservation Centres, all over India. IGNCA is one of them. A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed wherein IGNCA will hold awareness campaigns, workshops regarding conservation of manuscripts and also conduct preventive treatment courses on Manuscripts Storage for various institutes. Institutes and individuals seeking such workshops may write to the Conservation Officer or the Member Secretary, at the IGNCA address

– Ms. Ritu Jain Conservation Officer, IGNCA



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