
Vihangama is intended to give a bird’s eye view of IGNCA and its work. Prof. Monier Williams has translated bird’s eye view in his famous English-Sanskrit dictionaryThe expression has come to mean a general view from above. Vihangama is however reportage, on view not from above but from the ground, in the time and the space in which IGNCA has its being. As a newsletter and a magazine of the arts Vihangama’s world view and canvas is all-embracing and will strive to bring to its readers the news, views and the feel of the arts from the vantage point of IGNCA which encompasses the study and experience of all arts – each form with its own integrity, yet with a dimension of mutual interdependence, interrelated with nature, social structure and cosmology of the objective. The back issues of Vihangama held out a promise which I am confident, will continue to be fulfilled and redeemed in the future issues. I have great pleasure in re-launching Vihangama.


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