Mangalam Swaminathan From Editor’s Desk

Dear Friends,

With this issue, we are re-launching our newsletter Vihangama. The basic objective behind the move is to establish a I communication channel among us. A confluence of various streams of the organisation. It would also be a medium to tell more about our Centre to the world outside.

As Editor, my job is only to put together the material, which has to come from all of us working in IGNCA. It would feature an article by a staff, a piece by a well-known person, who could be from any field, report on major seminars and conferences held, a glance at programmes held in IGNCA during the two months preceding the publication of the newsletter, a peep into the programmes lined up, review of books published by us, list of the latest publications and a column that promotes in-house talent. To begin with Vihangama will be a bi-monthly (published every two months).

This is just the first step. How the subsequent issues take shape depends a lot on us all. I am sure you will find the new Vihangama inviting enough, for you to contribute. Lets all collectively wish the new look Vihangama all success.


Mangalam Swaminathan



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