Film Screening of Buddhism in Sikkim

Date: 27/02/2015
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, No. 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi

Director Sumit Banerjee
Duration : 1.29min.

The film, in three parts, takes you on a journey through the fascinating and no less inspiring story of Buddha’s life, his teaching, Buddhist practices, the emergence of two sects – Theravada and Mahayana, and the coming of Buddhism to Sikkim via Tibet in 15th – 16th Century. The ultimate goal is to reach Buddhahood a stage beyond Nirvana and the path is through six ‘paramitas’ or transcendental and wisdom. It is not an easy job to become a monk, who has to undergo nine year of hard training in a monastery. The monastery is a complete world by itself, with all the facilities. Monastery is not a simple building, but has set design, intricately carved with mural paintings and structures, in which Mani wheels and Thangka paintings have their own significance. Watch how Tibetan Buddhism and culture gets merged with indigenous practices in Sikkim. Have a peep into the life of Lepchas