Film screening of Mahakumbha – In Search of the Nector

Date: 12/02/2016
Time: 5:30 pm
Venue: IGNCA Auditorium, Media Centre, 3 Dr. R. P. Road, New Delhi

Film screening of Mahakumbha – In Search of the Nector
Director: Bappa Ray Duration: 48 minutes

Prayag is the place of the confluence of sacred waters. Pilgrimage to this place is equated with three million ten thousand pilgrimages. Mahakumbha, which takes place once in twelve years, is the subject of the film covering the Mahakumbha of 2001. It explores the vast orality of an internal agnihotra. The fire of tapas (penance) burns retas or soma (semen fluid) in the body of the human being, purges it of poisonous lust and turns it into the healing nectar of energy. The process is equated with the cycle of waters, incited in the universe by the solar fire. The devotee substitutes a new, clean self for his old self through his ablution in the Mahakumbha.

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