Date: 08/10/2015
Time: 6:00 pm
Venue: : IGNCA Auditorium, C.V. Mess, Janpath,, New Delhi
Theatre actors and circus artists come together to make this brilliant production under the directorial gaze of Abhilash Pillai. Twenty-six students from the National School of Drama, combine with nineteen artistes from Grand Circus along with an elephant and a horse appear on stage, the circus ring, for the maiden show of ‘Clowns and Clouds’, based on tales from the Panchatantra, from Kalidas’ Meghadoot, and a Chinese fable Shwa-Shwa. Joker acts in between are supported by innovative masks, costumes, specially created music and dance. For the actor/student it was a challenge to perform in front of an audience of three thousand odd people circled from all sides. For the circus performer the challenge was to stick to a story. For the rest of us, the audience, a visual never seen before. IGNCA in collaboration with National School of Drama had hosted three days of Circus at IGNCA in 2013. The entire performance was documented by NSD. A film based on this documentation has now been made by well known film maker Shri Sanjay Mahirshi.
Shri Mahirshi will be available for Q & A session.