Foundation Days Celebrated Kala Kosa

celebrates its foundation day every year on Gurupurnimå. But as the lunar eclipse coincided with the Gurupurnimå this year, the celebrations were shifted to 1st of September 2000.

The programme began with lighting of the lamps by Prof. Saraswati. An interesting presentation of recitation from the vedas, Vyasastuti, Guruvandana and reports of activities of the various units of the Kalå Kosa were presented by the scholars of the division.

Pt. Satkari Mukhopadhya gave an account of the aims and objectives of Kalå Kosa and his own experiences. The Member Secretary Prof. N.R. Shetty, in his short but inspiring speech assured the academic faculty of his support and cooperation. He appealed to the younger generation to come up with new ideas and further the aims and objectives of this great institution.

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