PG Diploma Course

Ministry of Culture, Government of India set up IGNCA in the year 1987 to explore, study and dissemination Indian arts, revive the dialogue between India and her neighbours, especially in South and Southeast Asia, in the areas pertaining to the arts. Arts encompasses a wide area of studies, such as creative literature—written and oral; visual arts—architecture, sculpture, painting, graphics and general material culture; photography and films; the performing arts—music, dance and theatre; festivals with artistic dimension.

Applications are invited for admission in the following One-Year Post Graduate Diploma Courses to be conducted by IGNCA – NERC in Guwahati.

  1. South East Asian Studies (PGDSEAS)
  2. Cultural Management (PGDCM)
  3. Indian Literature (PGDIL)
  4. Bhartiya Gyan Parampara (PGDBGP)
  5. Tribal Cultures of India (PGDTCI)

Candidates may apply on the prescribed registration form, as available on the said website through the given online link.

The last date has been extended to 27/08/2023.

For any inquiry, 
contact at Tel. No. 0361-2730449 or 
Email to: