1. How are the Kalatattvakosa Reference Cards useful for scholars? In what way can this database be used?
These cards provide ready references in form of original text along with translations on Indian key concepts from a large number of texts belonging to various disciplines of Indian tradition.
2. Have the themes for the publication series – Kalatattvakosa and Kalamulasastra been fixed or new themes also introduced?
Both these series are long term projects for which a broad outline has been already drawn. However IGNCA is open to receive suggestions for new additions.
3. How do you select experts/scholars for your research projects? How can one join or participate in your projects?
Our projects are highly specialized. Hence requires involvement of experienced scholars in their respective fields. Young scholars can get associated with senior scholars in our projects. This also facilitates preparing second line of scholars/experts.
4. Can foreign scholars/institutes contact Kalakosa for research collaboration?
IGNCA works on global level. Yes, Kalakosa has associated with foreign scholars and Institutions in the past in accomplishing its project viz. publications, conferences, exhibitions etc.
5. Does one need an invite or ticket to attend events organized by the division?
There is no ticket for participation in our events. However invites are uploaded on our website regularly whenever an event is scheduled.
6. Can an institution/individual collaborate with Kalakosa to organize events like exhibitions, conferences, seminars, workshops etc? Does the division also organize conferences abroad? What is the procedure for contacting the division?
Yes, Kalakosa has been organizing events like seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions etc. in collaboration with various sister institutions on themes related to its conceptual frame work.
Yes, it is possible to organize programmes abroad too.
7. Does the division have any special programs for schools and colleges?
No we don’t have programmes for schools and colleges in Kalakosa. However, IGNCA through its Kaladarsana and Kalanidhi divisions has been putting up exhibitions, organising workshops etc. for schools and colleges.