Applied Calligraphy

852. Aagre, Scott


            Calligraphy and related ornamentation/ Scott Aagre and Lance Martin.-

            San Jone, 1982

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Alphabets : album of Cross-stich Designs Library.- New York, 1985

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



854. Angel, Marie


            Painting for calligraphers/ Marie Angel.- London, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



855. Apollinaire, Guillaume


            Calligrammes/ Guillaume Appllinarie; translated from French by A.H. Greet.-

            London, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



856. Armstrong, Mimi


            Calligraphic designs/ Mimi Armstrong.- Owings Mills, 1983

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Art nouveau typographic ornaments/ edited by Dan X. solo.- Mineola, 1977

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



858. Baker, Arthur


             Calligraphic cut paper designs for artists and craftsment/ arthur Baker.-

            Mineola, 1983

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



859.  Baker, Arthur


            New calligraphic ornaments and flourishes/ Arthur Baker.- Mineola,


            In English

            Description based on secondary source



860. Bartram, Alan


            Lettering in architecture/ alan Bartram.- London, 1982

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



861. Bernstein, Bonnie


            Writing crafts workshop/ Bonnie Bernstein.- Belmont, 1982

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



862. Berry, Thomas Elliott


            Craft of writing/ Thomas Elliott Berry.- Maidenhead, 1974

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Calligraphy as human business : a workbook with bibliography reading.-

            Davison, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



864. Cordingly, David


            Methods of lettering for museums/ David Cordingly.- London, 1975

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



865. Day, Lewis F.


            Alphabets, old and new : for the use of craftsmen/ Lewis F. Day.-

            3rd ed.- Detroit, 1968

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



866. Gillan, Edmund Vincent


            Pictorial calligraphy and ornamentation/ Edmund Vincent Gillan.-

            Mineola, 1972

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



867. Gray, Bill


            Lettering tips for artists, graphic designers and calligraphers/ Bill  Gray.-

            Workingham, 1950

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



868. Harvey, Michael


            Calligraphy in the graphic arts/ Michael Harvey.- London, 1988

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



869. Homelsky, Geri


            Calligraphy in the copper plate style/ Geri Homelsky and Herb Kaufman.-

            Mineola, 1981

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



870. Hutchinson, James


            Letters : a design handbook/ James Hutchinson.- London, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source


871. Krimm, Gerald


            Copper plate manual : an introduction to writing with the paointed pan/

            Gerald Krimm.- New York, 1976

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



872. Leach, Mortimer


            Lettering for advertisement/ Mortimer Leach.- Ann Arbor, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



873. Lehner, Ernst


            Alphabets and ornaments/ Ernst Lehner.- Mineola, 1968

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



874. Lehner, Ernst


            Exotic alphabets and ornaments/ Ernst Lehner.- Mineola, 1974

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



875. Leptich, Anne


            Calligraphy for fun and profit/ anne Leptich and Jacque Evans.-

            North Hollywood, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Lettering design/ edited by Michael Harvey.- New York, 1975

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



877. Martin, Lance


            Calligraphy and ornamental lettering/ Lance Maretin and Robert Dicke;

            Edited by E. Cooper.- Merrick, 1979

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



878. Peace, David


            Glass engraving, lettering and design/ David Peace.- Batsford, 1985

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



879. Russell, Pat


            Lettering for embroideryt/ Pat Russell.- London, 1985

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



880. Shepherd, Margaret


            Borders for calligraphy : hot to design a decorated page/ Margaret Shepherd

            Wellingborough, 1986

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



881. Shepherd, Margaret


            Calligraphy projects for pleasure and profit/ Margaret Shepherd.-

            Wellingborough, 1985

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



882. Shepherd, Margaret


            Using calligraphy/ Margaret Shepherd.- New York, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



883. Spielman, Patrick E.


            Alphabets and design for word signs/ Patrick E. Spielman and Sherri

            Spielman.- New Delhi

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



884. Sutherland, Martha


            Lettering for architects and designers/ Martha sutherland.- New York

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



885. Tekahashi, Kiyoshi


            Calligraphy ornaments for designers and craftsman/ Kiyoshi Takahashi.-

            Mineola, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



886. Takshashi, Kiyoshi


            Eight hundred calligraphic ornaments for designers and craftsman/

            Kiyoshi Takahashi.- Mineola, 1988

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



887. Thompson, Tommy


            Script letering for artists/ Tommy Thompson.- Mineola, 1965

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



888. Tsuen hsuin Tsien


            Written on banboo and silk/ Tsuen hsuin Tsien.- Chicago, 1962

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



889. Williams, Janice


            Lettering in embroidery/ Janice Williams.- North Pomfret, 1982

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



Calligraphers : biogrphies


890. Armbruster, Gisela


            Die sammlung Heinz Gotze/ Gisela Armbruster .. [et al.].-

            Heildelberg, 1975

            In German

            Description based on secondary source



891. Cole, J.A.


            Scholar Penman/ J.A. Cole(In) Calligraphy and palaeography/ edited by

            A.S. Osley.- London, 1965, p. 3-15

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



892. Engelhart, Ben


            Gerard Mecator, cartographer and writing master/ Ben Engelhart (In)

            Calligraphy and palaeography/ edited by A.S. Osley.- London, 1965,

            p. 137-148

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



893. Godman, Stanley


            John Hodgkin, writing-master and calligrapher/ Stanley Godman (In)

            Calligraphy and palaeography/ edited by A.S. Osley.- London, 1965

            p. 149-154

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



894. Jackson, M.


            Modern scribes and lettering artists/ M. Jackson.- Toronto, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



895. Mclean, Ruari


            Alfred Fairbank’s opus/ Ruari Mclean (In) Calligraphy and palaeography/

            Eidted by A.S. Osley.- London, 1965, p. 17-28

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



896. Nash, Ray


            Benjamin Franklin Foster/ Ray Nash (In) Calligraphy and palaeography/

            Edited by A.S. Osley.- London, 1965, p. 155-168

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Studio vista : moder scribes and lettering artists.- London, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Tribute to Walter de la Mare on his seventy-fiftth birthday.- London,


            In English

            Description based on secondary source