kham Space and the Acts of Space

Duration: 1hr, 36 min, 25 sec.

This is a documentation of the first exhibition organized by IGNCA in 1986, on the theme of’ Khaṁ. The documentary highlights the five elements and looks at space as a concept within which lifestyle delves. It shows how the world is surrounded by the cosmic water. Further, it speaks about the root of the universe, the universe as the body of the cosmic man. Khaṁ is the space where it sustains. It looks at civilization on timeline and fathoms the architecture to look at the space within its dynamic meaning and shows how space travels through time within the spectrum of creativity. The film is an enquiry into understanding the different world views of space through images. The film showcases how Khaṁ as space remained the cosmic manifestation where from the idea of life – lifestyle got encoded in various symbols.

Copyright IGNCA

The cost of the DVD in India: Rs. 150/- + (actual Forwarding Charges)
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