Books (Arranged alphabetically countrywise)


1. Guiette, R.

Marionnettes de tradition populaire . Brussels, 1949.

( In Belgian )


2. Arlington, Lewis C. and Acton, H.M.M.

Famous Chinese Plays . Peking : Vetch, 1937.

3. Benton, Pauline.

The Red Gate Players . Peking : Lotus Court Publications, 1940.

4. Liu Ji Lin.

Chinese Shadow Puppet Plays . Beijing : Morning Glory Publishers,1988.ill.

( In Chinese )

5. Shadow Plays of Peking ( Chinese). Peking : the People’s Art Publishing

Company, 1954.

( In Chinese)


6. Vavruska, Eduard.

Puppet Theatre for Our Youngest ( A Collection of Papers on the experience of Czech Professional Puppet Theatres and Their Work for Youngest Audience). Theatre Institut, Prague 1.

Available at IGNCA


7. Alber.

Les Theatres d’Ombres Chinoises . Paris : Mazo, 1896.ill.

( In French )

8. Ardisoma.

Manikmaya : the heroic fantasy of the Hindu gods in the Javanese shadow theatre . France : Trismegiste, 1982..41p : ill.

9. Bibliotheque Nationale.

Asian spectacles – the kwok on collection. (Spectacles D’Asie – Collection kwok on ). Paris: Bibliotheque, 1979.

( In French )

10. Bordat, Denis and Boucrot, Francis.

Les Theatres’Ombres, Histoire et Techniques . Paris : L’arches, 1956.

( In French )

11. Campardon, Emile.

Les Spectacles de la Foire . 2 vols. Paris : Berger-Levrault, 1877.

( In French )

12. Chesnais, Jacques.

Histoire Generale des Marionnettes . Paris : Bordas, 1947.

( In French )

13. Cuisiner, Jeanne.

Le theatre d’Ombres a Kelantan . Paris : Gallimard, 1957. 246p : ill.

( In French )

14. Donnay, Maurice.

Autour du Chat Noir . Paris : Grasset, 1916.

( In French )

15. Duranty, L.E.E.E.

Theatre des Marionnettes . Paris ,1880.

( In French)

16. Eudel, Paul.

Les Ombres Chinoises de mon Pere . Paris : Rouveyre, 1885.

( In French )

17. Fournel, Paul.

Les Marionnettes . Paris ,1982.

( In French )

18. Gallimard, C.J.

Le Theatre d’Ombres a Kelantan . Paris,1957.

( In French )

19. Gautier, Theophile.

Constantinople . Paris : Levy, 1854.

( In French )

20. Gervais, Andre Charles.

Marionnettes et Marionettistes de France . Paris : Bordas, 1947.

( In French )

21. Hemmet, Christine.

Nang Talung . Paris :1981.118p. : ill.

( In French )

22. Jeanne, Paul.

Les Theatres d’Ombres a Montmarte de 1887 a 1923 . Paris : Les Presses Modernes, 1937.

( In French )

23. Lelyveld, Theodore Bernard van.

La Danse dans le Theatre Javanais . Paris : Floury, 1931.

( In French )

24. Lynch, Watson Janet.

The Shadow Puppet Book . Paris : Garnies, (n.d.). 95p. : ill.

( In French )

25. Magnin, Charles.

Histoire des Marionnettes en Europe depuis l’Antiquite jusqua Nos jours .2nd ed. Paris : Michel Levy Freses, 1862.

( In French )

26. Mindron, Ernest.

Marionnetttes et Guignols . Paris : Felix Juven, 1900.

( In French )

27. Nerval, Gerard de.

Voyage en Orient .2 V. Paris : Charpentier, 1851. pp.198-212.

( In French )

28. Neuville, Lemercier de.

Les Pupazzi Noirs . Paris : Charles Mendel, 1897.

( In French )

29. Paerl, Hetty.

Ombres et Silhouettes ; Botermans Jack, Van Delfi Pieter. Paris : Chene;1979. 168p. : ill.

( In French )

30. Vieillard, Paul. (Compiled)

Bibliography : typed copies deposited in La Bibliotheque de l’Arsenal and in Le Musee des Arts et Traditions Populaires. Paris.

( In French )


31. Buhrmann, M.

Das Farbige Schattenspiel . Berne : Paul Haupt, 1955.

( In German )

32. Dunday, Carla.

Wayang : Puppensipiel auf Java und Bali . Wilhen Columba (Exposition du Musee de Munich du 14 Octobre au 28 Decembre 1981) Municj : Puppentheatre Museum, 1981. p.80 : ill.

( In German )

33. Grube, W., Krebs, E. and Laufer, B.

Chinesische Schattenspiele . Munich : Bayer, 1915.

( In German )

34. Hopfner, G.

Siidostasiatsche Schattenspiele Masken und Fihuren aus Java und Thailand . Berlin : Museum fur Vokerkunde Staatliche Museen Berlin Stifftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, 1967.

( In German )

35. Horsten, E.

Das Indonesische Theatre . Stuttgart : H.Kundermann, Fernostliches Theatre, 1966. pp.121-249.

( In German )

36. Hover, Otto.

Javanische Schattenspiele . Leipzig : Wilhelm Goldmann, 1923.

( In German )

37. Huizinga, J.

De Vidusaka in het Indisch tooneel, diss. Groningen, 1897.

( In German )

38. Jacob, G.

Das Indische Schattentheatre . Stuttgart : W.Kohlhammer, 1933.

( In German )

39. Jacob, G.

Das Schattentheatre in seiner Wanderung vom Morgenland Zum . Berlin : Abendland, 1901.

( In German )

40. Jacob, G.

Geschichte des Schattentheaters im Morgen- und Abendland . Hanover: Lafaire, 1925.

(In German )

41. Jacob, G. , Jensen, H.and Losch, H.

Das Chinesische Schattentheater . Stuttgart: W.Kohlhammer, 1933.

( In German )

42. Juynboll, Hendrik Herman.

Het Javaansche tooneel . Baarn : Hollandia-Drukkery, 1915.

( In German )

43. Kahle, Paul and Kettenberger, O.

Der Leuchtturm von Alexandria Ein Arabisches Schattenspiel aus dem Mittelatterlichen Agypten . Stuttgart : W.Kohlhammer, 1930.

( In German )

44. Krom, N.J.

Inleiding tot de Hindoe-Javaansche Kunst 3 Bde. 2. Verbesserte Auflage, 1923.

( In German )

45. Kunst, J.

Hindoe-Javaansche Muzie-kinst rumenten, special die van oost Java . W.P. : Weltevr, 1926.

( In German )

46. Laufer, B.

Chinesische Scattenspiele ; W. Grube and E.Kreba, 1915.

( In German )

47. Mimus, Der. and Reich, Hermann.

Karagoz . Berlin , 1903.

( In German )

48. Obraztsov, Sergei.

Theatre in China . Berlin : Henschel-Verlag, 1963.

( In German )

49. Pigeaud, Th.

Javaanse Volksvertoningen, Bijdrage tot de beschrijving van land en Volk . Batavia , 1938.

( In German )

50. Pink-Wilpert, C.B.

Zur herstellung Balinesische Schatten-figurinen .Hamburg : Mit. Aus dem

Museum for Volkerkunde. Pp.47-62.

( In German )

51. Pischel, R.

Das altindische Schattenspiel – Sitzungsberichte der Konigl . Berlin : Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1906.

( In German )

Available at IGNCA

52. Pischel, R.

Die Heimat des Puppenspiels . Halle : Niemeyer, Mildred C. Tawney as The Home of the Puppet Play , 1902.

( In German )

Available at IGNCA.

53. Rehms, H.S.

Das Buch der Marionetten . Berlin , 1905.

( In German )

54. Reiniger, Lotte

Die Abenteur des Prinzen Achmed : 32 bilder aus dem Silhouetten. Film von Lotte Reiniger mit einer Erzahlung des Inhalts . Tubingen : Ernst Wasmuth, 1972. p.32 : ill.

( In German )

55. Reiniger, Lotte

Silhouettenfilm und Schettentheater . p.74 : ill.

( In German )

56. Ritter, H.

Karagos, Turkische Schattenspiele ; ed., tr. and explained by the author. Hanover : Orient Buchhandlung Heinz Lafaire, 1924./ Istanbul : Druckerei Universum. / Wiesbaden : Steiner, 1953.

( In German )

57. Sachs, C.

Die Musikinstrumente Indiens und Indonesiens. Berlin, 1923.

( In German )

58. Sachs,C.

Real-Lexikon der Musikinstrumente etc . Berlin, 1913.

( In German )

59. Seltmann, F.

Schattenspiel in Kerala . Germany : Stuttgard Franz Steiner verlag, 1986.

( In German )

Available at IGNCA

60. Seltmann,F.

Schattenspiel in Mysore and Andhra Pradesh . Bijdragen : Deel, 1971. Pp.452-89.

( In German )

Available at IGNCA.

61. Seltmann,F.

. Schatten-und Marionettenspiel in Savantvadi (Siid-Maharashtra) (Shadow and puppet play in savantvadi, South Maharashtra) . Stuttgard : Franz Steiner Verklag Wierbaden Gmbtt, 1985. 102p.

( In German with English summary )

Available at IGNCA.

62. Seltmann, F.

Vergleichende Komponenten der Schattenspiel formen von Sud Indien, Malaysia, Thailand, Kanbdscha , Bali and Java . Tribus Stuttgart : Veroj-fentlichungen des Linden Museum ,1974 . pp.23-70 : ill.

( In German )

63. Seltmann, F. and Wilhelm, Columba.

Wayang – Puppenspiel auf Java und Bali . Ausstellungskatalog; 96. Abb., Munchen, 1981.

( In German )

64. Serrurier, B.L.

De Wajang Poerwa . Bhs : Belanda, 1896.

( In German )

65. Spitzing, Gunter.

Das Indonesische Schattenspiel : Bali, Java, Lambock . Cologne : Du Mont Buchverlag , 1981. 236p. : ill.

( In German )

66. Spitzing, M.H.

Vom Puppenspiel Deutschland 1933 bis 1945 . Frankfurt-am-Main, 1946. 24p.: ill.

( In German )

67. Steinmann, P.K.

Auf der suchenach Puppen : preface de Arndt Friedrich . Frankfurt : Puppen und Masken, 1979. 100p. : ill .

( In German )

68. Von Jacques, Brunet.

Nangsbek : Getanztes Schattentheater aus Kambodscha . Berlin : Veroffentlichung des Internationalen Instituts fur Vergleichende Musikstudien und Dokumentation, 1969.

( In German )

69. Von Jacques, Brunet.

Wayang Kulit : Schattentheater aus Malaysia ; introduction de Sczepan Weilfried. Berlin : Internationalen Institute fur Vergleichende Musekstudien und Dokumentation, 1971.43p.:ill.

( In German )

70. Weismantel, Leo.

Das Werkbuch der Puppenspiele . Frankfurt am Main , 1924.

( In German )

71. Wilpert, C.B.

Schattentheatre Wegweiser zur Volkerkunde; H.B.Hamburg .(s.l.) : Museum fur Volkerkunde, 1973. 86p.:ill.

( In German )

72. Zusammengestellt von des Union Internationale Puppentheater de Welt des Marionnettes (UNIMA) ; F.A.Herbig . Berlin :Verlagsbuchhandlung.

( In German )

Available at M.M.B.


73. Daraki, Pepi.

Karaghiozis, the refugee : an ethnographical study of the Greece shadow theatre . Athens : Gutenberg thanos fotiadis, 1977. 522p. : ill.

( In Greek )

74. Gudas, Rom.

The Bitter-Sweet Art : Karaghiozis, the Greek Shadow Theatre. Athens , 1986.

( In Greek)

75. Rosenmann, Michel.

“Karagoz ou la tragedie Humaine” med forod . M.Utg. : Tidn. Marionettes no.23/ 24, 01/90. P.31 : ill.

( In Greek )

76. Roussel, Louis.

Karagheuz ou le Theatre d’Ombres a’Athens .2v. Athens : Raftanis, 1921.

( In Greek )


77. Indiai es Javai muveszet : vologatas a Hopp Ferenc Museum ; Anayagabol . Budapest : A Muzeum, 1982.

( In Hungarian )

78. Javanese puppet and Shadow Play .Budapest: Ferenc Hopp Museum of Eastern Asiatic Arts, 1991.

( In Hungarian but summary in English )

79. Kelat . Budapest :Azsiai Muveszeti Muzeum, 1982.

( In Hungarian )


80. Bansal, Dinesh Chandra.

Kathputli Shikshan .Udaipur : Bharatia Lok Kala Mandal, 1981.

( In Hindi )

Available at IGNCA

81. Bhanabhat, Mahendra. (Ed)

Kathputli Natikayen . Udaipur : Bharatia Lok Kala Mandal, 1980.

( In Hindi )

Available at C.C.R.T

82. Chattopadhyay, Kamaladevi.

Handicrafts of India .New Delhi : Indian Council for Cultural relations, 1985.pp.158- 75.

Available at I.C.C.R

83. The Glory of Indian Handicrafts . New Delhi : Indian Book Co., 1976. pp.182-86.

84. Contractor, Meher. R.

The Shadow Puppets of India . Ahmedabad : Darpana Academy of Performing Arts.

( Darpana Monograph Series; 2).

Available at S.D.

85. Creative drama and Puppetry in Education . New Delhi : National Book Trust, 1984.

Available at C.C.R.T.

86. C.C.R.T.

Putli Natak . New Delhi :C.C.R.T. , 1983.

( In Hindi )

Available at C.C.R.T.

87. Dash, Dhiren.

Puppetry in Orissa – an introduction . Bhubaneswar :Institute of Oriental theatre Arts.

Available at S.G.

88. Friederich, R.

The Civilisation and Culture of Bali . Calcutta : Gupta, 1959.

89. Gopalaswamy.

Puppet show and shadow play . Hyderabad. p.10.

90. Ittoop, P.I.

Kambaramayana Katha . 3rd ed.Kunnamkulam (Kerala). 1940.

( In Malayalam )

91. Khuntia, Viswanath.

Vichitra Ramayan . Cuttack.

( In Oriya )

92. Laksmanan Chettiar, S.M.L.

Folklore of Tamil Nadu .New Delhi: Folklore of India Series, 1973.

93. Mudaliyar, V.S.

Kamba Ramayana . Madras. 1970.

94. Munusami Mudali.

Kamba Ramayanam . Madras. 1903.

95. Murthy, M.V.Ramana.

The Art and Science of leather puppetry . Madras, 1976. pp.67-71.

96. Pani, Jiwan.

Ravana Chhaya . New Delhi : Sangeet Natak Akademi, 1983.

Availabel at S.N.A., IGNCA

97. Pani, Jiwan.

Living dolls – story of Indian Puppets . New Delhi : Publication Devision, Govt. of India, 1986 .ill.

Available at S.N.A.

98. Pulavar, K.K.Krishnankutty.

Ayodhyakanda of Tolapava Koothu . New Delhi : Sangeet Natak Akademy, 1983.

( In Tamil with English summary )

Availabel at S.N.A.

99. Ramaswamy, M.V.

Tolpavai Nizharsk Koothu . Madurai : Madurai Kamaraja University.

( In Tamil )

100. Ramaswamy, T.

The Shadow Theatre in India . Madras : International Institute of Tamil Studies.

101 Ramy.

The Shadow Theatre in India. Madurai,1982.

102. Roy, A.K. and Gidwani, N.N.

A Dictionary of Indology . New Delhi : Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.,1986.Vols.1-4.

103. Saini, Raksha. (Ed)

Rashtriya Ekta Me Kathputli Natokon ka Yogdan . New Delhi : NCERT, 1976.

( In Hindi )

Available at C.C.R.T.

104. Samar, Devilal.

Bachhon ke liye Putlia . Udaipur : Bharatia Lok Kala Mondal, 1979.

( In Hindi )

Available at C.C.R.T.

105. Samar, Devilal.

Kathputli – Ek sarvangeen shiksha paddhati . Udaipur : Bharatia Lok Kala Mandal, 1979.

( In Hindi )

Available at S.N.A.

106. Samar, Devilal.

Kathputli – Kala aur Shiksha . Udaipur : Bharatia Lok Kala Mandal, 1981.

( In Hindi )

Available at C.C.R.T.

107. Samar, Devilal.

Kathputli – parampara aur proyog.Udaipur : Bharatia Lok Kala Mandal, 1972.

( In Hindi )

Available at C.C.R.T.

108. Samar, Devilal.

Kathputaliya aur manasik rogon ka upchar.Udaipur : Bharatia Lok Kala Mandal, 1970.

( In Hindi )

Available at C.C.R.T.

109. Sen, Sukumar.

Nat, Natya ,Natak .Calcutta : Mitra & Ghosh Publishers, 1972.

( In Bengali )

Available at S.G.

110. Shah, Anupama and Joshi, Uma.

Puppetry and Folk Dramas for Non-formal Education.India : Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. ,1972. 1-64p.

Available at C.C.R.T.

111. Sidhu, S.

Media with a Message – puppetry, and creative drama.

112. Tilakasiri, J.

The Puppet Theatre of Asia. New Delhi : Dept. of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of


Available at C.C.R.T.

113. Varadpande, M.L.

Ancient Indian and Indo-Greek theatre — Loka Ranga, Panorama of Indian Folk Theatre. New Delhi : Abhinav Publication, 1981.

Available at S.G.

114. Varadpande, M.L.

History of Indian Theatre. New Delhi : Abhinav Publications, 1992.

Available at S.G.

115. Varadpande, M.L.

Invitation to Indian theatre ( Dancing Dolls ). New Delhi : Arnold Heinemann Publishers, 1987.

Available at S.N.A.

116. Vijayalakshmi, P.

Bibliography of Indian Handicrafts. India : Min. of Commerce, All India

Handicrafts Board, 1972.
