
951. Klima, Edward S.


            How alphabets might reflect language/ Edward S. Klima (In) Language by ear and

            By eye/ edited by J.F. Kavanagh and I.G. Mattingly.- Cambridge, 1972,

            p. 57-88

            In English

            Description based on secondary source.



952. Knight, Stan


            Handbook for calligrahers : historical scripts/ Stan Knight.- London, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



953. Knight, Sten


            Historical scripts/ Sten Knight.- New York, 1986

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Languages by ear and eye : the relationship between speech and reading/

            Edited by J.F. Kavanagh and I.G. Mattingly.- Cambridge, 1972

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



955. Lariseh, Rudolf


            Writing as art : the philosophy and practice of lettering/ Rudolf Lariseh.-

            Natick, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



956. Lepsius, C.R.


            Standard alphabet/ C.R. Lepsius.- 2nd ed.- London, 1863

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



957. Leptich, Anne


            Calligrapher’s reference book/ Anne Leptich and Jecque Evans.- North

            Hollywood, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



958. Levitt, J.


            Influence of orthography on phonology : a comparative study (English French,

            Spanish, Italian, German)/ J. Levitt (In) Linguistics, no. 208 (1978), p. 43-67

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



959. Linell, Per


            Written language bias in linguistics/ Per Linell.- Linkoping, 1982

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



960. Ludtke, H.


            Die alphabet Schrift und des problem der lantsegmentierung/ H Ludtke (In)

            Phonetica, v. 20 (1969), p. 147-176

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



961. Meynell, Francis


            According to Cocker/ Francis Meynell (In) Calligraphy and palaeography/

            Edited by A.s. Osley, 1965, p. 169-170

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Modern scribes and lettering artist.- London, 1983

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



963. Nesbitt, Alexander


            History and technique of lettering/ Alexander Nesbitt.- New York, 1957

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



964. Nida, Eugene


            Practical limitations to a phonemic orthorgraphy/ Eugene Nida (In)

            Bible translator, v. 5 (1953)

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



965. Nordenskiold, E.


            Picture writings and other documents by Nele and ruben Perez kantule/

            E. Nordenskiold.- Goteborg, 1928

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



966. O’Donnell, R.c.


            Syntactic differences between speech and writing/ R.c. O’Donnell (In)

            American speech, v. 49 (1974), p. 102-111

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



967. Ogg, Oscar


            Three plastics of Italian calligraphy : the writing books of Arrighi, Tagliente,

            Palatino/ Oscar Ogg.- Mineola, 1952

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



968. Olson, David


            Prom utterance to text : the bias of language in speech and writing/

            David Olson (In) Bible translator, v. 5 (1988)

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



969. Ong, Walter J.


            Interfaces of the word/ Welter J. Ong (In) Studies in the evolution of consciousness

            And culture, 1977

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



970. Ong, Walter J.


            Orality and literacy/ Walter J. Ong (In) Technologizing of the word.- Lodnon,


            In English

            Description based on secondary source



971. Oxenham, John


            Literacy/ John Oxenham (In) writing, reading and social organization.-

            London, 1980

            952. SHEET NO. 5288



972. Pearson, John


            Calligraphy of nature/ John Pearson.- Albany, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



973. Podis, Leonard A.


            Writing : invention form and style/ Leonard A. Podis and Jo Anne M.

            Podis.- Glenview, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Processing by visible language/ edited by P.A. Kolers.. [et al.].- New York,


            2 V

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Richard Lepsius standard alphabet for reducing unwritten languages and

            Foreign graphic systems to a uniform orthography in European letters/

            Edited by J. Alan Kemp.- Amsterdam, 1981

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



976. Schmandt-Besserat, D.


            Reckoning before writing/ d Schmandt-Besserat (In) Archaeology, v. 32

            (1979), p. 23-31

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Schrift, schreiben schriflichkeit/ edited by K.B. Guntehr and H. Guntehr.-

            Tubingen, 1983

            In German

            Description based on secondary source



978. Shepherd, Margaret


            Capitals for calligraphy : source bok of decorative letters/ Margaret Shepherd.-

            Wellingborough, 1982

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



979. Sjoberg, Andre F.


            Writing, speech and society : some changing interraltationships/ andre F.

            Sjoberg (In) Proceedings of ninth International Congres of Linguists.-

            Hague, 1964, p. 892-897

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



980. Smith, Frank


            Alphabetic writing : a language compromise/ Frant Smith (In)

            Psycholinguistics and reading, 1978

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Standard languages, spoken and written/ edited by W. Hass.- Manchester, 1982

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



982. Standard Paul


            Arrighi’s running hand/ Paul Standrad.- New York, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



983. Standrard, Paul


            Calligraphy’s flowering : decay and restoration/ Paul Standrard.- New

            York, 1977

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



984. Stiebner, E.


            Bruckmann’s handbuch der Schrift/ e. Stiebner and Walter Leonard.-

            Munich, 1`985

            In German

            Description based on secondary source



985. Stubbs, Michael


            Can I have this in writing, please?  Some neglected topics in speech act

            Theory/ Michael Stubbs (In) Journal of pragmatics, v. 7, no. 5

            (19830, p. 479-494

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



986. Suzuki Takao


            Writing is not language or is it?  Suzuki Takao (In) Journal of pragmatics, v.1

            (1977), p. 407-420

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



987. Taylor, Insup


            Writing systems and reading/ Insup Taylor (In)/ edited by G.E. Mackinnan

            And T.G. Weller

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Three classics of Italian calligraphy/ edited by Oscar Ogg.- Mineola, 1980

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Treasury of calligraphy : 210 great examples, 1522-1840/ edited by Jan

            Tschichold; translated from German by S. Appelbaum.- Mineola, 1985

            In English

            Description based on secondary source]



990. Tschichold, J.


            Treasury of calligraphy : two hundred nineteen great examples/ J. Tschichold.-

            Mineola, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



991. Vachek, J.


            Written language : general problems and problems of English/ J. Vachek.-

            Hagie, 1973

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



992. Van Horicke, Baldri


            Master album of pictorial calligraphy and scrolowork :: an antique copybook

            Rediscovered/ Baldri Van Horicke.- Mineole, 1985

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



993. Webster, Patricia


            Calligrapher’s handbook/ Pratricia Webster.- Baldock, 1985

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



994. Weinberger, Norman


            Encylopedia of comparative letter forms for artists and designers/

            Norman Weiberger.-New York, 1971

            In English

            Description based on secondary source


995. Whiteman, M.F.


            Dialect influence in writing/ M.f. Whiteman (In) Writing : the nature,

            Development and teaching of written communication, v. 1 (1951),

            p. 153-166

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



996. Wong, Frederich


            Complete calligrapher/ Frederich Wong.- New York, 1981

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Writing in focus/ edited by F. Coulmas and K. Ehlich.- Berling, 1983

            In English

            Description based on secondary source




            Writing without letters/ edited by W. Hass.- Manchester, 1976

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



999. Zachrisson, B.


            Legibility of printed texts/ B. Zachrisson.- Stockholm, 1965

            In English

            Description based on secondary source



1000. Zepf, Hermann


            Typographic variations/ Hermann Zapf.- New York, 1984

            In English

            Description based on secondary source