Documentation, Research, Dissemination and Conservation

We should not ignore the fact that the rock art sites are very venerable both to natural and human factors, as they are visible and attract attention.

The preservation of rock art sites is also very essential owing to the rapid rate of destruction caused by an unaware society. With increasing population and relatively improved access to formerly remote areas, threat to these sites has increased immensely. The human vandalism not only indicates lack of sensitivity and knowledge but also an alienation from the human family. The increasing pressure from tourism as well as fundamental problems of weathering and of the impact of vegetation and stock, indicate that there is an urgent need for conservation and management of Indian rock art sites.

It is the responsibility of the Central/State Governments, but the involvement of the local people should not be ignored. The Government agencies still do not know the extent and location of all rock art sites in the country and therefore, also the problems that confront each of them. So far prehistoric era has not been a priority area for art conservation in the country. Since most of the rock art sites are located in the forestlands, the Ministry of Environment and Forests could play a vital role not only for the conservation of this precious art form but also facilitate the study of hinterland, where the forest based communities may yield useful clues for deciphering rock art in future. An attempt would be made to explore, document and conserve the intangible aspect of rock art prevailing among these communities. The appreciation of prehistoric rock art in India would greatly improve when these sites are made widely known and visible for the people and are protected for posterity as national treasures.

Therefore, IGNCA is organising community workshops and awareness programmes adjacent to different rock art sites: also keeping track of the preservation status and ownership of the different rock art sites in India to work out conservation manual of Indian Rock Art.

Assam Sites

Site Name Ownership Details
Chakreshwar ASI Protected
Baghreshwari Community Ownership
Hanuman Sila Community Ownership
Mangaleshwar Community Ownership
Sopaidong Community Ownership
Mahesh Dham Community Ownership
Hatisila Community Ownership
Kanai Barasi State Archaeology Dept. Assam
Dirgeshwari State Archaeology Dept. Assam
Mayong State Archaeology Dept. Assam
Dekhdowa State Archaeology Dept. Assam