Thakur Jaideva Singh Memorial Lecture

thakur_jaidev_singhThakur Jaideva Singh (1893–1986) was, a renowned musicologist and connoisseur of classical music, a dedicated teacher, Sanskrit Pandit, great scholar of Indian Philosophy and exponent of Kashmir Saivism and last but not the least an “institution in himself”. He became a lecturer of Philosophy and English in the D.A.V. College, Kanpur in 1945, and then was appointed Principal of Yuvarajadutta College, Lakhimpur–Khiri. As the Chief Producer in All India Radio (1956-1962) he made significant contribution for the upliftment of classical music through this media.

Thakur Jaiyadeva Singh wrote many books, important among which are Kabir Vanmay in three volumes (editing and commentary) and English translations of Pratyabhijnahridaya, Buddhist concept of Nirvana, A Brief History of Indian Music, Vigyanabhairava and Shiva sutra.

In 1973 he was appointed the Chairman of the Uttar Pradesh Sangeet Natak Akademi. He was awarded Padma Bhushan in 1974 as a mark of recognition of his outstanding scholarship. He was awarded the honorary D.Litt. Degree by the Banaras Hindu University and Kanpur University. Recipient of several awards and honours like the “Sangeet Vchaspati’ of the Indira Kala Sangeet Vishvavidyalaya, Khairagarh, Sarngdeva Fellowship of Sangeet Vidyapeeth, Bombay, etc.

Date/Time Event
3:00 pm
संगीत के शास्त्र-ग्रन्थों में श्रुति की अवधारणा - स्मृति व्याख्यान

इन्दिरा गाँधी राष्ट्रीय कला केन्द्र, क्षेत्रीय केन्द्र, वाराणसी, द्वारा स्मृति व्याख्यान माला के अन्तर्गत भारतीय दर्शन,संगीत-शास्त्र एवं काश्मीर शैव-दर्शन के विश्व-विश्रुत मनीषी, पद्मभूषण से अलङ्कृत, ठाकुर जयदेव सिंह की स्मृति में उनके जन्म दिवस के पुण्य अवसर पर आयोजित व्याख्यान में आप सादर आमन्त्रित हैं।

विषय : संगीत के शास्त्र-ग्रन्थों में श्रुति की अवधारणा

वक्ता : प्रोफेसर अनिल बिहारी ब्योहार, पूर्व संकाय प्रमुख, इन्दिरा कला संगीत विश्वविद्यालय, खैरागढ़, छ०ग०

अध्यक्ष : प्रोफेसर कृष्णकान्त शर्मा, पूर्व संकाय प्रमुख, संस्कृतविद्याधर्मविज्ञान संकाय, काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय, वाराणसी

वेबिनार आईडी: 814 2831 7918 पासकोड: 711146

All Day
Contribution of Thakur Jaideva Singh in Indian Musical World

Urmila Sharma

Venue:  IGNCA, New Delhi , New Delhi