When Dilip Shyam was honoured with the Jangarh Singh Shyam Award in 2008, he was overjoyed. It   was like a dream come true. He had always wanted to be a painter like   Jangarh, his paternal uncle, as well as his inspiration.

After graduating from school, Dilip Shyam left his village,   Patangarh, for Bhopal with high hopes. But he was soon disappointed when   he realized how difficult it was to find a job in the city. Like all   his cousins and friends, he had put a great deal of time and effort into   his paintings, which speak of his imagination and creativity.

Acrylic on canvas 3’x3′ Theme Snakes

Today he works for daily wages at the Museum of Mankind in Bhopal,   where his paintings adorn one of the walls. When visitors appreciate   them, Dilip is filled with a sense of quiet joy. He cherishes the memory   of Jangarh Singh, who had commented on seeing his paintings, “You also   have the artist in you. Don’t let that die.” Jangarh’s words still   inspire Dilip to continue with his art everyday, no matter how exhausted   he may be.

Acrylic on canvas 3’x5′ Theme Ganesha and sankes