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video clips of Ram Bai | Ram Bai on Dadriya and the Song | Karma song by Ram Bai and sisters

Rambai Tekam was inspired by her husband Narmada Prasad Tekam’s paintings to take up drawing. She began with working on paper and gradually moved on to canvas.

The main motif in her paintings is the interaction between animals in the forest. As a child, she would sit very still and watch the interactions of birds with the snakes, and frogs and birds communicating with each other. Her village, Sonpuri, provides her with all the images she needs. It could be the gunia (priest) who is an integral part of Gond life or Maswasi Dev, to whom people offered prayers before embarking on a hunt.

Rambai has travelled with her husband to many parts of the country, exhibiting her work and holding painting workshops.