Illustrated Jataka : Other Stories of the Buddha by C.B. Varma
045 - The Flight of Sakka / शक्र की उड़ान |
बार देवों और दानवों में भयंकर
संग्राम हुआ। उस युद्ध में देव पराजित हुए और
भाग खड़े हुए। देवों के राजा शक्र (सक्क) उस
समय दानवों को पूरी टक्कर रहे थे।
उनके सारथी ने जब देवों की सेना को
भागते देखा तो वह देवराज के रथ को
भगाता आकाश में ले उड़ा। दानवों ने उस
रथ के तेजी से पीछा किया।
O nce
the Bodhisatta was born as Sakka (Indra), the king of the devas
(the radiant beings of heavenly abode). Although he was the king of the devas ,
nonetheless, he ruled the earth and had acquired splendid glory. The danavas
(demons), the sworn enemies of the devas
since time immemorial, neither liked Sakka nor his growing glories. So,
one day they invaded the celestial empire with a large army to usurp
power. Sakka boarding his golden chariot drawn by the thousand horses put
a stiff resistance with his army of devas .
But the devas almost lost the battle and began to retreat. When Matali,
the charioteer of Sakka noticed the flight of the deva army from the
battle-field, he, too, turned his chariot back and flew in the air. When
the chariot was going high, Sakka noticed some eagle-nests on some tall
trees, which were likely to be hit by the chariot. Further, any change in
the direction would have meant his captivity in the hands of the demons.
So, the compassionate king of the devas ,
in order to save the young ones of the eagles ordered his charioteer to
turn back to fight the demons. So, he gave a mighty battle-cry and
brandished his weapon to strike at the tailing enemies. When the demons
saw the king of the devas turning about and ready to fight they fled as they thought
that the valiant king, true to his chivalrous reputation had resorted to
some fresh battle-strategy with some fresh reinforcements. Soon the devas regained their kingdom; and the young ones of the eagles also survived. Sakka's nymphs
descending to help Guttila, the great musician of Varanasi at the concert
Sakka was there poised in the air to help the guru-musician Note: See Shakra
Jataka, Jataka Mala 11. See
Jataka No. 243. (See Sakkas queries on Nibbana Samyutta
Nikaya 1.201 : 4.269)
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